The truth of Scripture should have a powerful impact on our lifestyle. People in Crete were defined by sinful speech, broken families, beast-like behavior, and gluttony. Many claimed to know God but denied him by their deeds. Titus 2:1–5 pr...
Doxa is the Spokane college ministry of Faith Bible Church. Our desire is to be a loving and multiplying community where collegians can learn to declare Jesus Christ with their lives. The ministry is built on two pillars:
We seek to have a college Bible study presence on or near all of Spokane’s college campuses (Gonzaga University, Moody Aviation, Eastern Washington University, Whitworth University, the Community Colleges of Spokane, and Downtown WSU). Although there are a few other college ministries in Spokane, we are uniquely connected to the structure of an elder-led church so as to be unified with the rest of the church in pursuing its mission: to be a loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
We meet as a whole group on the first and third Sunday of each month at 10:30 am at Faith Bible Church in Room 165. We always have refreshments, time to catch up, and a message. This year we are focusing on using this time as an equipping hour. We'll cycle through various topics centered around personal godliness, a Christian worldview, and apologetics/evangelism. On the fourth Sunday of each month we will gather for lunch at noon.
Our Bible study groups are just one way we seek to fulfill our mission statement: to be a loving community where collegians can learn to declare Jesus Christ with their lives. This is a great chance to step away from the “norm” of campus life, work life, and the busy-ness it all brings, and take the time to get to know and be known by other believers. Each meeting will usually provide some sort of refreshments, time to hang out and catch up, and application-focused discussion based on what the church and college ministry are studying at that time.
View our church calendar to see upcoming meeting dates for campus groups
We'd love to get to know you! If you're a student, fill out our welcome form and we'll be in contact with you!
If you're a church member interested in serving in college ministry, fill out the Start Serving form and leadership will reach out to you.
From Doxa (College Ministry)
Romans 9:19–29 continues Paul argument that God is merciful to whomever he chooses and that God hardens whomever he chooses. Human beings need to remember their lowly state before God and acknowledge that he is the one who holds us in his hands,...