Introduction Trusting God’s Grace in a Fallen World We are moving into the main section of Genesis where we see God making a people for Himself from Abram. Genesis 1-11 gave us the introduction to ...
In these three chapters Paul is focused on how truly spiritual people will love each other because their lives are submitted to Christ as Lord and they are using the gifts given to each Christian by the Holy Spirit. Paul is answering the questio...
Paul is giving instructions about how to live a life that pleases the Lord, in this case regarding meat sacrificed to idols. He is continuing the theme of the need we all have to pursue undivided devotion to the Lord and to glorify God with our bo...
As we continue to study 1 Corinthians, we see more teaching about how to live a pure, holy life that is marked by the gospel. Paul unpacks in chapter 7 how to have relationships that are marked by the gospel of Christ, whether you are single or ma...
In 1 Corinthians 5-6, Paul continues to exhort and teach the Corinthians what it means to be a church that is marked by the Gospel, not the sinful flesh or the culture around them. He focuses on their need to protect the purity of the church ...
In 1 Corinthians 3-4, Paul continues his rebuke of the pride that led the Corinthians to create divisions and factions based on their pursuit of worldly status. He shows them the right way to think about how God uses servants of the Lord as His st...
Many pressures and influences all around us seek to form and shape us. Our own way of thinking and living can oftentimes be shaped by our old sin nature. This results in deformed Christianity that does not reflect Christ. Paul sought to address al...
Introduction Dominion describes God’s sovereignty and rule. However, the Sovereign One has also given dominion to humanity (Psalm 8:6, Genesis 1:28) who are made in His image. As we seek to be a loving commu...
Our prayer is that as we study the letter of 1 John, we would grow in our enjoyment of fellowship with God and with each other. What a wonderful reality that God wants us to share in His life, the life that the Father, the Son and the Spirit share...
Our prayer is that as we study the letter of 1 John, we would grow in our enjoyment of fellowship with God and with each other. What a wonderful reality that God wants us to share in His life, the life that the Father, the Son and the Spirit share...
In the first part of our Back to Basics series, we focused on what it means to be a loving community. We studied the love of God, the Word of God, and the family of God. In this second part, we will be returning to some basics that we pray will co...
As we approach our 30th anniversary as a church, we want to revisit the core values and commitments that we see in God’s Word that are the foundation of who we are as a church. The result of these core values and commitments is our passion state...
As we enter into the last third of Ephesians, our prayer is that all of us would be strengthened so that Christ would be living His life through us. We want our relationships as members of the body of Christ to continue to grow in unity and minist...
We saw in chapters 1 and 2 of Ephesians the glorious plan of God explained. This plan is the fulfillment of His promise to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham’s seed, the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. This plan is about God savi...
Ephesians is a wonderful letter from the Apostle Paul to the believers in Ephesus. It describes God’s loving plan to make a people for Himself in Christ and then describes how people should relate to one another in the church. Our prayer is that...
Colossians was written by the Apostle Paul around 62 A.D., most likely from a Roman prison where Timothy was accompanying him. Paul writes about the superiority of Christ who is Lord over all creation and Lord over the church. He is superior to al...
This study is designed to be used in a Growth Group setting, meeting regularly with others to go over the answers and insights of each lesson. The Study Guide is based on the book: 10 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health by Donald ...
Why study the Ten Commandments? Our very brief answer to that significant question is because the law reveals the holy character of God and simultaneously defines how our lives must reflect that holy character. Jesus taught that the law is summed ...
What makes Psalm 119 so significant is not just that it is the longest chapter of the Bible, but that the longest chapter in the Bible is about the Bible. Psalm 119 is a 176-line poem about Scripture. And not just a poem, but a very intricate and ...
David's Reign is established and God promises in the Davidic covenant, a seed of David's would rule the Kingdom forever, but even he, a man after God's own heart, falls into sin with Bathsheba. David's dysfunctional family has much conflict and Ab...
David is anointed as King and his loyalty is tested. David flees and conflicts escalate. King David shows mercy and spares Saul's life. God is faithful to preserve David as King. Saul's decline as king hits rock bottom leading to the death of him ...