
Book Review: The Story of God Our King

Posted by Victoria Chatman on December 6, 2024
Book Review: The Story of God Our King
Written by Kenneth Padgett & Shay Gregorie, Illustrated by Aedan Peterson

This is a book you can judge by the cover (which is attention grabbing and beautiful). With every page, it gets better and better. The images are strong, dynamic, and thought provoking. But even more beautiful is the story of our King from the creation of the world, through the repeated rebellion of Israel, to Christ’s first coming, death and resurrection, and His final victorious return that we are looking forward to. It follows Christ’s kingship through the entire biblical narrative.

The pictures are gripping and engaging, telling a story in themselves. With bold, bright colors and dynamic, splashing images, the creation of the world begins this story. Adam and Eve, with brilliant golden crowns, rule over the creation—until they choose to obey the snake instead of our King. The pictures reflect the disaster with darkness shadowing the garden. My son immediately asked: Why would Adam give his crown to the snake? The images communicate so much.

The words, almost lyrical but not quite rhyming, provide the biblical clarity to interpret the illustrations. The story races forward, eagerly looking to the hopeful resolution, the final return of our King. And how will He win? How will He conquer? With “just a breath from His mouth.”

The book isn’t just a story about which you say, “Yes, I enjoyed it, now where’s another one?” We are given a challenge to serve our King now, “when the Holy Spirit is turning His royal family into a loyal family.” We are called to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Each page has a paragraph of text. If your children aren’t ready to sit still for a long period, consider reading it over a few days. Let them look through the pictures and discuss what’s going on. Do they recognize any stories from the Bible? Help them notice the details the artist put in to highlight the truths shared in the words. And talk about the joy we have knowing our King is ruling and will return one day.

Illustrations by Aedan Peterson from The Story of God Our King.

Victoria Chatman

A mother of four, Victoria has been attending Faith for over ten years with her husband Andrew, who helps lead a Growth Group.

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