
Someone You Should Know: Shae Brown

Posted by Seth Weber on October 2, 2024
Someone You Should Know: Shae Brown
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In our Someone You Should Know series, we interview Faith members to help us get to know them, see how God is working in their lives, and make new connections within our community. In this episode we get to know Shae Brown.

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  • Dan Jarms 0:00
    Today on faith matters, we have another installment of someone you should know, and it is our own, Shae Brown.

    Dan Jarms 0:13
    I'm Dan jarms, and you're listening to faith matters, a podcast to help update you on matters of faith, Bible Church, as well as equip you in matters of the Christian faith.

    Seth Weber 0:32
    Well, today I have with me. Shae Brown, it's good to have you here. Shae, yeah, thanks

    Shae Brown 0:35
    for having me. Seth, well,

    Seth Weber 0:37
    let's start by getting to know kind of your history, tell us about your where you grew up and your childhood?

    Shae Brown 0:45
    Yeah, I was born in Oregon, but raised in central California until the summer before Junior High. My parents moved us up here to spangle, okay, Washington, so that's a little small farm town south of here.

    Seth Weber 0:59
    I've lit off fireworks in spangle, right? Yeah,

    Shae Brown 1:02
    that's a big deal on the fourth area. I went to high school at Liberty, high school down in spangle, public school I was I went to a very small private school when I was in California, and so that was a big adjustment. And my parents got divorced the summer before I started high school. So my pre teen and teen years were just really shaped by that trial. My upbringing was little chaotic, I guess, but God used that to draw me to himself. I was raised in a church of Christ and was taught a very works based way to salvation, but clearly saw in my parents' life that that was not, I guess, the way to Christ like it was very clear that their lives on Monday through Saturday did not match up with what they were telling me on Sunday mornings and so. But I was taught to read the Bible and seek God and that he should be first in my life. And so in my high school years, I just read the Bible a ton, wow, and that was when I first saw the word grace. And yeah, so I think actually, it was just through reading the Bible when I was in high school that I was saved. But with my parents divorce, my dad got custody, still had to go to a church of Christ. Okay, so wasn't really able to really grow in my walk with the Lord. I wasn't around any true believers until college.

    Seth Weber 2:27
    Okay, so on that note, where, where did you go to college? Tell us about that. Yeah,

    Shae Brown 2:32
    I went to Eastern. I was a running start student, and then finished up my degree there in biology after I graduated high school. So nice. Yeah, pre med track. Thought I was going to go be a PA then cam graduated PT school, and then we thought, Oh, we go to nursing school, so we don't have to leave Spokane. And then I applied for nursing school, and then God was like, actually, you're going to be a mom. So nursing school didn't happen, and here I am. Okay, yeah,

    Seth Weber 2:59
    so you're a mom. Tell us about your family a little bit.

    Shae Brown 3:03
    Yeah, I'm married to Cameron for nine years. We just celebrated, and we have three kids. How did you guys meet? We are high school sweethearts. Yeah, I was 14 when I started dating, so over half my life at this point now, yeah, yeah. We have three kids. Arthur is seven, Mavis is five, and Edith is three.

    Seth Weber 3:22
    So you and Cameron have known each other since high school. Then, yes, you guys, you got saved probably around high school. Yes, was he saved at that point as well?

    Shae Brown 3:33
    Yeah. So he grew up going to the Community Church in spangle on Wednesday nights, the school bus would like drop kids off there to have fun at youth group, and he so he heard the gospel through that time, but his parents aren't believers, and again, he wasn't. He would go to church occasionally on holidays growing up. So he heard the gospel in high school. I think I don't know if he would say that he was saved in high school, but he heard the gospel in high school, and it was definitely in our very transformative college years where we both came definitely knew the Lord and decided together to pursue him. Wow,

    Seth Weber 4:06
    that's amazing. That's really cool. Yeah. How did you end up here at Faith Bible Church?

    Shae Brown 4:11
    Cameron was in physical therapy school, and a couple of his friends were all going to Life Center for a while. And so after I left the church of Christ, we were like, Let's do a 180 and go to Life Center. That's about as opposite as you can get. And we went there, and it was it was fine. We tried a small group. I think we knew we didn't want to stay there long term, but it was fun to go with some of Cameron's classmates. And then one classmate invited us to FBC. And so Thanksgiving weekend we went here, and that was almost 10 years ago, and we never went back to life center. We were like, Oh, this is what church is supposed to be like. This is what it looks like to learn from God's word. That was great. I'm

    Seth Weber 4:54
    glad you guys found a place where, where you guys can grow. Yes, yeah. God

    Shae Brown 4:58
    was really faithful to bring us here. I mean, there was no one else in our life that was helping us grow at the time. So,

    Seth Weber 5:03
    so tell us how you and Cameron have been involved in ministry since showing up here 10 years ago.

    Shae Brown 5:11
    Yeah, we, we pretty immediately jumped into children's ministry. Cameron needed community service hours to finish his physical therapy degree, so we kind of had an alter your motive at first, but then we loved it. So we've done children's ministry the whole time we've been here basically. And then, most recently, Cameron leads a growth group, and I help them with that. So

    Seth Weber 5:32
    nice and tell us about your role here on staff. Oh yeah, yeah,

    Shae Brown 5:35
    I should do that. Yeah. I am the children's ministry assistant, so I help schedule the Sunday school teachers and Wednesday night Child Care helpers make sure that they have their curriculum and supplies that they need. And one of my friends said that I'm the goldfish fairy. I bring the goldfish Well, Lena gets it to the classrooms, but I get it to the building. Yeah, and just help with whatever events Joe has planned, and just a lot of planning and organizing, which I love,

    Seth Weber 6:00
    nice. I love you. Seem, you seem to be very good at it. So we're thankful to have you on the team. What has God been teaching you lately,

    Shae Brown 6:07
    honestly, to trust in him and that he is the only one worthy of my trust. I think I can even see that in this new job that I have. There were times over the summer when all the teachers are out on vacation, which we want everyone to take vacations. This is not to say you shouldn't, but where I would just look and go, Okay, Lord, I don't know how this is gonna work out, but I'm trusting you, and it did every Sunday. Well, it happened, so, yeah, trusting him with that, trusting Him with our kids' salvation. I grew up with works based salvation. I don't know what it looks like to raise kids trusting the Lord like that for their salvation, and so just, yeah, trusting Him in all areas. Wow,

    Seth Weber 6:47
    yeah, that's big. So how can faith, Bible Church, be praying for you right now.

    Shae Brown 6:52
    Pray that I would, of course, trust him like I was just talking about, but that I would also joyfully serve the Lord and all the different roles that he has me in. I I want my kids to remember me as a mom who loved being home with them and didn't just tolerate it, yeah and yeah. I just want to serve Him with gladness,

    Seth Weber 7:11
    very good. Are you ready for the speed round?

    Shae Brown 7:14
    I guess so

    Seth Weber 7:15
    give it a try.

    Seth Weber 7:22
    You cats or dogs. Cats? Do you have any cats?

    Shae Brown 7:26
    I have one cat and nine chickens. Wow,

    Seth Weber 7:29
    that's a lot of chickens. Yeah. Well, you get lots of eggs. Yeah, yes, exactly. Pineapple on pizza, sure. So you're kind of neutral about

    Shae Brown 7:38
    it, yeah, I take it or leave it. I'm not a picky eater. So favorite book, besides the Bible, I have this really bad habit of just looking at the book's cover and not really paying attention to the title. I read a lot. So I will say historical fiction would be my go to genre for like, a Christian living. Book I love, adorned by Nancy Dumas walgemuth. I think I'm saying that, right? I read that book every year. It's such an encouragement to just remind me of my purpose in being a woman. Favorite band Spotify has recently brought attention to a man named, is it Jervis Campbell, it looks like Jarvis, but it's an e, okay. He has great music, nice. Yeah, it's, it's got some good Christian themes in it, and Jervis

    Seth Weber 8:21
    Campbell, yeah, I hope I'm saying it right. Favorite movie or TV show.

    Shae Brown 8:25
    I'm not huge on movies, but I love all creatures, great and small.

    Seth Weber 8:30
    Oh, okay, that's a vintage show, isn't it? Well, I

    Shae Brown 8:34
    like the current one. Oh yeah, masterpiece, classic on PBS out in January, season

    Seth Weber 8:39
    five. And then, is that based on the books? Yes, it is. Yeah. James Harriet, okay, best surprise gift you've ever gotten.

    Shae Brown 8:46
    It's kind of a funny story. You know, there's times in your marriage where you just feel off like your two boats crossing each other. Just hadn't had great connection. I think we had just had Mavis, and so I think both of us had, like, had felt that. And so that day, I had a coupon for a free cupcake from Sweet frosting. So I was like, I'm gonna go get him a free cupcake and show him that I love him. And then he came home with this super fancy dutch oven from the kitchen engine that is way nicer than what I need to cook in our kitchen. So it's just a fond memory of like, how funny it was that both of us that same day were like, I'm gonna give you a gift, because I love you, even though that's fun, things have been awkward lately, or whatever. Did

    Seth Weber 9:26
    he enjoy his cupcake? He did?

    Shae Brown 9:28
    Yeah, nice. Yep.

    Seth Weber 9:31
    If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with all the extra time?

    Shae Brown 9:34
    I would knit and read, okay? And bake and garden. Well, Gardening in the night. Yes, yeah, sure. Less bugs, right?

    Seth Weber 9:45
    Favorite place to eat out in Spokane.

    Shae Brown 9:46
    I think our favorite go to right now is hops and drops. There is nothing bad on their menu, but I love all Mexican food too. So

    Seth Weber 9:54
    nice. Well, Shae Brown is one of these people at Faith Bible Church that you need to know. Thanks for joining us, Shae.

    Shae Brown 9:59
    Thanks for having.

Seth Weber

Seth is the Communications Director at Faith Bible Church and loves anything to do with design, video, audio and tech. He and his wife Kaitlyn have four children.

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