Your giving to the General Fund supports the everyday expenses of running a church. Faith Bible Church's priorities are reflected in our budget, with almost one-fifth allocated toward local and global outreach. Approximately 5% goes toward The Master's Seminary extension campus at Faith, expressing our value for training and equipping future ministry leaders in our region and around the world.
We have several targeted funds to which you may direct offerings beyond your regular support of your church. You may designate online gifts using the dropdown menu in the giving form.* Click on an option below to learn more about it.
Care Fund
The Care Fund helps our members and neighbors with practical needs. Our Care Fund deacon team oversees how funds are distributed, including ongoing partnership with local organizations such as Union Gospel Mission, Second Harvest, Life Services, SNAP, and World Relief.
Seminary Student Scholarships
Help provide pastoral training for seminary students from Faith Bible Church.
Capital Projects
Thanks to the prayerful work of the Master Planning deacon team and the elders, we have a number of projects planned to keep our facilities effective for discipling the next three generations and beyond! Your gifts to this fund will help provide the highest-priority updates to our building and grounds.
Ministry Scholarships
Assist those who wish to participate in ministry activities where cost may be an obstacle, such as youth camp or college retreats.
Short-Term Missions
As a way to support global partners and build up the next generation of global partners, Faith Bible Church sends out short-term mission teams. Your giving to general or individual STM funds covers the cost of these trips, allowing Faith members, partners and partner churches to work together for the Gospel!
Global Partners (Missions)
Faith Bible Church administrates ongoing support for several of our global partners. You may give one-time or regular gifts to support these partners' Gospel work around the world. (Other partners have different giving methods; see the full list here to learn more about how you can support them.)
Do you desire to leave a lasting legacy that moves the Gospel forward around the world? If you'd like to discuss a special gift with our leadership, contact Mark Frankian at