What does the Bible have to say about sexual desires and relationships? What is to be done if you or a loved one is experiencing same-sex attraction? How do we engage a world that says your identity is bound up in your sexual desires and preferences?
In his book Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, Christopher Yuan helps us to understand the answers to these pressing and timely questions. Having had same-sex desires from a young age and living many years in a homosexual lifestyle, Yuan is well equipped to handle this subject with grace and compassion.
He first helps us to understand our identity in Christ and why identity is at the root of the sexual agenda we’re facing in mainstream culture today. Yuan then walks us through a healthy theology of marriage and singleness, showing us how to live with unity in the body of Christ. Here we see his term “holy sexuality” defined as chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage.
Yuan brings the encouraging message that God’s plan for sexuality and relationships is good news for a broken world. He then gives us a robust theology of sanctification, suffering and repentance, showing that suffering is to be expected as we strive to follow in Christ’s footsteps. Finally, he leaves us with a practical conclusion teaching us how to show compassion and love toward others.
If you’re prone to same-sex attraction or know someone who is, this book will leave you full of encouragement and hope in the Creator who defines sexuality. If you are single living with unfulfilled desires, this book will leave you with practical wisdom and encouragement for daily living. If you’re married wondering how to include those who are in a different stage of life into your family, this book will truly be a helpful resource for you.
I found this to be a highly insightful and encouraging read as I seek to love those in the body of Christ as well as those out in the community.
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Kaitlyn Weber
Kaitlyn helps manage the library at Faith. She loves to read all sorts of books, but especially classic literature. She and her husband, Seth, have three children and also serve in Growth Groups.
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