Have you seen those yard signs with statements such as “Love is love” or “No human is illegal”? Or maybe you’ve had co-workers repeat mantras like “Abortion is health care,” and you’ve felt uneasy because you’re not sure how to r...
Josh Gilchrist and Jeremy Rainbow teach on Ephesians 6:1-9 covering what is looks like to walk worthy within families and workplaces. God has specific order that he has created, and he longs for people to ultimately honor one another. Authority is...
As an image bearer of God you have a supremely valuable and meaningful existence....
Few areas in society have experienced more attention and upheaval than the roles of men and women in public, home and church life. Confusion has grown again in the greater Church about the roles of men and women. It is necessary to r...
Paul is giving instructions about how to live a life that pleases the Lord, in this case regarding meat sacrificed to idols. He is continuing the theme of the need we all have to pursue undivided devotion to the Lord and to glorify God with our bo...
Main idea: Take care not to lead another Christian into false worship. Background on eating meat sacrificed to idols. Matthew 18:6-7. Acts 15:28-29 (See also Acts 15:20, 21:25). Revelation 2:14 (See also Revelation 2:20). 1 C...
In 1 Corinthians 5-6, Paul continues to exhort and teach the Corinthians what it means to be a church that is marked by the Gospel, not the sinful flesh or the culture around them. He focuses on their need to protect the purity of the church ...
“Can I ______; can I ______? What’s ok, what isn’t? I can agree sex should be kept for marriage, but I still want to show physical affection while dating.” It is unavoidable that this tension will come up in a dating relationship. In this ...
Many pressures and influences all around us seek to form and shape us. Our own way of thinking and living can oftentimes be shaped by our old sin nature. This results in deformed Christianity that does not reflect Christ. Paul sought to address al...
This message finishes where last week’s left off: Biblical principles for addressing the tension some feel about Christians putting too much pressure on dating for marriage. The two principles proposed here are (1) The believer’s first respons...
North Americans tell their children that Santa Claus delivers their Christmas gifts. Latin Americans give credit to “el niño Jesús” (the baby Jesus). Christmas tradition in Spain maintains that “los tres Reyes Magos” (the three wise men)...
It is a common claim in Christian circles that ‘dating should be for the purpose of marriage.’ And yet, what is also a common claim among believers is that there can be ‘too much pressure for marriage’ in dating. Do you feel the tension? W...
In this message, we pick up where we left off from the previous message. We address yet another tension in the dating conversation. The goal is to evaluate potential causes of these tensions, address them with Biblical principles, and then propose...
A survey of Christian college students and non-Christian Americans revealed some common tensions in the ‘dating’ conversation. For example: ‘It feels weird to date a guy/gal that’s one of my closest friends… and yet I want my future spou...
Trying to ‘date well’ can feel like navigating a hot air balloon through the depths of the Grand Canyon… blindfolded. And sometimes it feels like there are more questions and opinions on the matter than fish in the sea! Wouldn’t it be nice...