Contractors have been using the slow time after Christmas to install carpet.
God used Faith Bible Church's generous giving to provide beautiful new carpet and paint in the Education Wing! This is the biggest step thus far in the Next Generation Facility campaign's goal of preparing our building for ministry to the next three generations.
While there are still a few steps left to finish off this phase of the project, you’ll already notice a big difference in Room 165 (what is commonly called the "Youth Room" or "Nepali Room" or "College Room"), Room 166 (the "Place to Be Room"), and the hallway areas. Also, some outdoor changes are helping redirect rainfall and snowmelt so it won't cause moisture incursion to the building.
New carpets and trim have spruced up the stage used by the youth group, Doxa and the Nepali church, among others. Further updates are planned to make this room more functional and flexible for its many uses.
Tougher and easier to clean, walk-off carpet around the exterior doorways keeps moisture and debris from reaching the main carpeted areas.
We pray that these new carpets will serve the church and help welcome visitors for many years to come!
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
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