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Main idea: God’s work in creating and sustaining all things calls for constant thanksgiving Romans 1:21 Thank you Lord, for __________ you made. (Thankful) Submission(Thankful) Stewardship...
Main idea: Get your thinking straight about God’s creation of His Kingdom Chance Pleasure Examine God’s creationImage and likenessThe Creation MandateExercise dominion...
Main idea: Get your thinking straight about God’s creation of His Kingdom Examine God’s Creation Exalt the glory of the King Establish your life under His kingship Automated ...
Main idea: God created everything! Worship the Creator God, who is Father, Son and Spirit, for His goodness and greatness. Worship the Creator God: He is great and good! (v. 1) Isaiah 45:7-8, 18...
Main idea: Come trust the eternal God who promises and carries you into life with him in a new Garden of Eden. God is revealing himself to you in a book. God alone is self-existent. God alone is eterna...
Main idea: Set your heart today on the time Jesus will personally reign over every nation. ...
Main idea: Take heart Christian, when Jesus returns, you will be re-united with all believers who have died. Grieve with HopePhilippians 1:21Anchor your soul in the coming of the Lord Godâ...
(Keep) Turning to God from Idols Wait for His Son Psalm 25:2, 5Titus 2:11-15From heavenPhilippians 3:18-21Whom God raised from the dead1 Corinthians 15:20-25...
Main Idea: Anticipate Christ’s return and serve His people, and you will be ready for your first face-to-face meeting with Him. Anticipate Christ’s return.Matthew 16:28 Serve His people as a st...
Main idea: Because salvation is all by God’s grace, it is therefore all to his glory. This powerful gospel unites the church (local and universal), gives assurance in suffering, and makes us eager to preach the word of grace to all nations....
Main idea: For the glory of God, love your brothers and sisters in Christ out of gratitude for grace. Enduring edification (v. 1–2)Encouraging example (v. 3–4)Ending exhortation: Welcome one another (v....
We apologize for the audio quality for the first three minutes of this recording. Main idea: You must let God’s mercies fuel your worship if you want to please Him. The fuel of worship (12:1) The fruit of w...
Main idea: Seek and serve the Lord, fueled by rejoicing in the great salvation of the Lord and His joy in loving His people! 1. Seek and serve the Lord who gives such a great salvation by creating humble, holy worsh...
Main idea: Humbly worship the sovereign Lord of Lords who will judge the nations and will establish His kingdom forever! ...
Main idea: Behold the wrath of the Lord and humbly seek Him. Behold the wrath of the Lord toward all humanity (1:2-3). Behold the wrath of the Lord toward wicked Judah (1:4-18). Seek the Lord with humility! (2:1-3)...
Introduction Big idea: Be stirred to a proper worshipful response as you see and reflect on God’s redemptive plan for the nations. Be humbled by God's sovereign plan and power (11:25-27). ...
Introduction Review Main idea: Paul describes two spiritual realities that should give the Christian joyful confidence in their salvation. You should have joyful confidence because the work of Chr...