Main Idea: Let the unknown, uncontrollable things of life inform you how to enjoy the known things of life.
Point 1: Three Things we Do Not Know
- We do not know how to predict the future (v. 2)
- We do not know how to do that which only God can do (v. 5)
- We do not know how to guarantee success and avoid failure completely (v. 6b)
Point 2: Two Things we Do Know
- Wise living means not holding tightly to life and it possessions (v. 1-2)
- Wise Living Means Neither Success Nor Failure is Ultimate (v. 6)
Jared Millican
Former college pastor at Faith, Jared and his family are currently preparing to move to the Czech Republic and work as global outreach partners in 2024. He and his wife, Claire, have three children.
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