Main idea: God is making a people for Himself, to love and rule through the Son by the Holy Spirit. Hope and fear the promises made. Victor: Genesis 3:15 Abraham: Genesis 17:7–8 Israel: Exodus 19:3...
We’ve been reminded recently that God’s Word commands us to remember. Believers are commanded to regularly recall the words and works of the Lord! The purpose for this command is always so we would move on in greater love, service, and obedience to the God we give thanks to.
As we recall the works of the Lord in this update, return to Him praise and thanks along with us. We pray it also spurs on your faith and obedience, as it has ours. This recap of events from March to June may be our most exciting update yet!
In early March, a handful of the pastors and members from Faith Bible Church had the privilege of going to Shepherds Conference in Southern California. I was too busy with meetings to go to many of the sessions.
But this was a huge praise! The meetings were immensely encouraging. God’s Word is working everywhere it’s declared. The meetings were also exciting because many of the friends, pastors and elder teams I spoke with expressed interest in remaining informed about our pursuit of the Czech Republic. In fact, since then, three new churches have agreed to support us financially and prayerfully!
I also had the joy of reuniting with many of the people we once served with at Grace Community Church. Their pastor gave me the opportunity to share about our family and ministry, and also urged them to consider supporting us. This was an opportunity we didn’t even ask for but rejoice greatly in.
Jared Millican with current missionary in the Czech Republic, Marcus Denny (center) and Mike Rosario (right) at Shepherds Conference.
In April, I took a week of vacation to work on some home projects. Our desire is to sell our house shortly before we go to the Czech Republic, saving and investing some of the capital we pray to gain from it. After we’ve lived in the Czech Republic for some time, the plan is to use these funds to purchase a home there.
So, in hopes of increasing our home’s value, we added a bedroom and fixed up a portion of the basement. Thanks to a couple friends who offered incredible help with these projects, we believe we have a very desirable 5-bedroom, 3-bath house. We are trusting God for how he chooses to run the market and economy between now and June 2024.
The highlight of this spring: Our baby son, Caleb Davey Roy, was born May 15. He was a burly 8 pounds, 4 ounces, 21 inches. We named him after Jared’s oldest brother, Claire’s youngest brother and a dear friend here at Faith Bible Church. Caleb is healthy, and so is Claire. Caleb eats a ton and sleeps hard at night most of the time. His big brother and sister (Bennett and Millie Jo) love taking care of him. We are all learning a new level of patience and endurance as a family of five, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Caleb Davey Roy Millican was born May 15, 2023.
That brings us to looking ahead. We’re gearing up for a very different summer than any we’ve ever had. We will continue with the College Ministry here at Faith Bible Church, but we also need to begin angling our feet toward the next turn.
While College Ministry slows down slightly in the summer, we are taking the month of June to continue engaging with students on a weekly basis in various gatherings and devotional times at parks and homes. In July we will have a missions emphasis, inviting several guest speakers to share on the importance of the church’s purpose in missions. August will take a similar form to June, while September will ramp up again for the school year.
The Millicans remain involved in Faith’s college ministry.
Amidst all this, we will travel roughly once a month.
At the end of June, I will be in the Czech Republic for 10 days. I’ll join the church there for their family retreat, where I’ll have several teaching opportunities on the topic of “Faithful Stewards of the Mercies of God.” This will be a sweet chance to continue strengthening relationships there as well.
Then, at the end of July, our whole family will head to Fullerton, California for about a week and a half. The first four days of that will be devoted to a church youth camp where I’ll be preaching. This church (Cornerstone Bible Church) is already strongly invested in the ministry happening in the Czech Republic. Pray this also proves to be a profitable time for deepening our relationship with that church.
In August, we hope to visit one of our new supporting churches. One of those is Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona. This church has jumped at the opportunity to support us. The exact words of one of the pastors were: “We love the Dennys, so if supporting you supports them, then we want to support you.”
September brings the opportunity to visit another supporting church in Fallon, Nevada (Grace Bible Church). This church’s connection with Faith Bible Church goes way back to when we were kids. Former Faith pastoral intern Mike Rosario pastors this church and is also good friends with Marcus Denny. They’ve committed to supporting us and have invited our whole family for a weeklong visit.
Then, in either October or November, we will visit Grace Community Bible Church in Austin, Texas, which has committed to supporting us. The connection is through the pastor and his wife, with whom we became friends while in seminary. We’re excited about the church's partnership and the thought of continuing our friendship with these two. We are confident they will be an encouragement to our family, marriage, and ministry. We praise God for this.
Please pray for our conversations with three other churches here in Spokane. We do not know what will come of these, but we know God is wise and good. Whatever happens next comes from His kindness, according to His abundant mercy and wisdom.
The Millicans celebrate their oldest son, Bennett’s birthday with family.
A handful of times in the last few months, we’ve been approached by families expressing interest in partnering with us financially. First of all, thank you. We know this comes from a heart of genuine love – for us, but especially for the Gospel.
If you are seriously considering or planning on supporting us financially, would you prayerfully think about beginning this support within the next month or two? The chart explains why: One-time funds and monthly/annual funds will be needed before we leave for the Czech Republic. You can give one time or regularly through with the designation “Missions: Millicans Czech.”
We understand what goes into deciding to support us financially now. It means deciding what you’re giving up in order to support this ministry. It means adjusting things in your life and budget. It may mean supporting sooner than you expected. So, we ask this humbly and with great thanks to you for praying about it.
Period of Support | Aim of Support |
June 2023 – January 2024 | Raise at least 80% of one-time costs: traveling to Czech Republic, visas, settling, finding a home, purchasing vehicle(s), purchasing home goods, establishing furlough and emergency savings funds, etc. |
January 2024 – June 2024 | Switch off Faith Bible Church salary and shift to monthly support salary. Anything given above and beyond our monthly salary will be put toward one-time costs to raise the remaining 20%. |
June 2024 – Indefinite Future | Initial costs are met, and monthly support salary will continue. |
At this point, roughly 18% of our one-time costs are raised. We praise God for this! That leaves through December 2023 to raise the remaining portion of our 80% goal.
If you have any further questions for us about our ministry, our financial needs, our own life, our plans, etc., we want to be open. Reach out in person, via email or by phone, and we’ll happily talk with you.
Thank you all for your willingness to walk through this time of life with us. We are indebted to you for your prayers, your friendship, and your care.
To God be the glory for the great things He has done and will do.
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” - Psalm 9:1-2
May our lives sing his praise.
Want to keep update on the Millicans and their journey towards full-time ministry in The Czech Republic as well as their work once they get there?
Former college pastor at Faith, Jared and his family are currently preparing to move to the Czech Republic and work as global outreach partners in 2024. He and his wife, Claire, have three children.
View Resources by Jared Millican