Trees are a reminder that God’s creation is living and powerful. We have a tree in our backyard that has grown substantially since we bought the house eight years ago. The reader will certainly notice how little I know about trees, as I...
The fiscal year at Faith Bible Church ended August 31, and God faithfully provided for a fruitful ministry year! General Fund giving outstripped projections while expenses stayed under budget.
In addition to General Fund giving, the Next Generation Facility campaign kicked off in January to help adapt our facilities for ministry to the next three generations. Since then, Faith members have generously pledged to give to the campaign and are faithfully fulfilling their pledges. It will be exciting to see some of those capital projects get started over the coming year, as well as how new Faith members get on board with the campaign.
Next Generation Facility Campaign Numbers updated September 5, 2024
This year we also saw progress in making use of the surplus property east and west of the Faith campus. Construction is starting soon on the west side, and proceeds from that sale are already going toward global outreach through the All Nations Fund. The sale of the east side property is still waiting for city approval but is expected to close soon with proceeds going toward retiring an interest-free loan as part of the Next Generation Facility campaign.
Giving units are individuals or households who give to the church during the specified month.
Giving units, a measure that is helpful in tracking the number of regular, consistent givers in the church, is trending lower than last year. The more members are giving regularly as Scripture teaches, even in small amounts, the more we share the work of the church and experience the blessings of generosity!
As always, there is room for growth in our financial lives as a church and as individuals. The administrative staff is continuing to improve practices that reinforce accountability and care in handling the money given to the church. New systems are helping to streamline expense tracking as well as reimbursement to ministry volunteers.
As Josh emphasized in his article on the dominion mandate, we’ve been entrusted with caring for God’s creation, and our stewardship is for His glory. “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen” (Romans 11:36).
Note: These year-end Care Fund numbers are corrected from the numbers erroneously published in the print edition of Living Faith.
God continues to use His people at Faith to care for one another, with giving to the Care Fund exceeding approved requests in 2023-24. The Care Fund provides financial assistance for members in need as well as local organizations meeting community needs: Life Services, Second Harvest Food Bank, Union Gospel Mission, SNAP, and World Relief.
A new fiscal year began September 1 with a budget increase of 0.5% over last year’s giving.
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible ChurchTrees are a reminder that God’s creation is living and powerful. We have a tree in our backyard that has grown substantially since we bought the house eight years ago. The reader will certainly notice how little I know about trees, as I...
When Hannah Weber was in middle school and high school, she volunteered in the toddlers’ room in Children’s Ministry. That’s where she was drawn to working with kids with special needs. Such needs could be physical, but there are also many w...
“Are you in a small group?” You probably heard that question a few times early in your time at Faith Bible Church. That’s because we’re a big church and depend on small groups for our closer relationships...