Main idea: Live with faith in God, and hope in His promises while death still reigns. Take up your privileged charge. (5:1-3) Be sober-minded about your life. (5:4-31) Psalm 90 Walk with God....
Trees are a reminder that God’s creation is living and powerful. We have a tree in our backyard that has grown substantially since we bought the house eight years ago. The reader will certainly notice how little I know about trees, as I...
One of my first interviews writing for Faith Bible Church was with facility manager Willie Gallion, and I’ll never forget what the primary caretaker of the building at 440 W. Cora said about it: “It's not the church. It's the buil...
Introduction Dominion describes God’s sovereignty and rule. However, the Sovereign One has also given dominion to humanity (Psalm 8:6, Genesis 1:28) who are made in His image. As we seek to be a loving commu...