
Stewardship Update

Summer 2024

Posted by Faith Bible Church on May 31, 2024
Stewardship Update

Much is happening to lay the groundwork for a Next Generation Facility. Here is a brief summary of the last few months and what we expect in the next few months regarding the capital campaign:

January-March 2024

  • Elders announced the capital campaign and requested prayer and pledges.
  • Architect’s study was initiated to determine priorities and possibilities.

April 2024

  • Pledged funds began to come in. Elders encouraged all members to pledge to pray, even those who cannot currently give.
  • Architect met with elders on priorities and phasing options.

May–August 2024

  • Escrow projected to close in July on east property sale, for an estimated $515,000.
  • Architect’s study continues to evaluate steps to doing smaller projects simultaneously (in Education and Children’s wings).

August or September 2024

  • Elders meet again with architect to update priorities and phasing options.

Note: Q3 giving and expense numbers in this update are preliminary projections based on data through May 27, 2024.

Faith Bible Church

A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.

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