As we knew He would be, God was faithful to Faith in 2024. The year brought challenges and changes, as well as continued growth as He brought more disciples of Jesus into our loving community.
Some of the best things that happened this year were the “same old” things: People learning to follow Christ through studying His Word together, through prayer and discipleship and side-by-side ministry, through small groups and the relationships we cultivate day by day. We had the privilege of living out Colossians 3:16-17, teaching and admonishing one another, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and giving thanks together, all to God’s glory.
There were also milestones and new things.
After celebrating Dan Jarms’ 20th anniversary in the lead pastor role, it was a privilege to send the Jarmses to England on a three-month sabbatical. God has blessed our church with a gifted team of pastors and elders who preach, teach, and shepherd faithfully so Dan could take time away with confidence. He returned with encouragement for us about the hope of Christ’s glorious return.
Walk Thru the Bible helped us remember the big picture of God’s Word. Vacation Bible School resumed and Equipping Nights launched, both with a great turnout.
It was a big year for global outreach: The All Nations Fund is providing funding for reaching the unreached. The Millicans and Ruscios launched into their overseas ministries after many years of preparation. The Amundsons went to be trained for future global ministry. The Clarks returned home after more than eight years of service in South Asia. Short-term teams traveled around the world to encourage and help our partners in the gospel.
“Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds!”
Psalm 9:11
Statistics are best estimates based on data from Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 3, 2024
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
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