Use sparingly in titles and subheadings, and not at all in the body text of articles, announcements, etc. Exceptions: Q&A.
Use capital A to refer to the 12 Apostles/New Testament writers, but lower case for other uses of apostle, apostolic.
Capitalize references to the Bible as a noun: Scripture, God’s Word, the Word. Adjectives can be lower case: scriptural, biblical.
In Faith publications we prefer English Standard Version. Please note within your copy if you are using another translation.
Don’t use Roman numerals for biblical books. Use Arabic numerals: 1 John, 2 Samuel, etc.
Don’t abbreviate names of biblical books unless absolutely necessary.
Use sparingly to denote edits or context in direct quotes. The bracketed content may either replace or clarify what was actually said. You may be able to avoid using brackets by contacting the person you’re quoting for permission to edit their quotes for better clarity.
“It’s super sweet to be able to have [leaders’] input and them being able to direct the conversation and ask deep questions that make you think.”
(Bracketed text replaces names, which were too long for pullout quote.)
“A dispute also arose among them [the disciples], as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.” –Luke 22:24
When referring to the Covid pandemic, do not use all caps "COVID," rather, capitalize as a proper noun.
Use Faith on second reference, not FBC.
Capitalize Gospel.
Capitalize for references to God the Father, God the Son, or God the Spirit: He, Himself, His. Many Bible translations don’t capitalize pronouns, including ESV; don’t change it if you’re quoting from one of them.
Use abbreviation on first reference to a quick-reference code.
Use am and pm, without periods, on first reference to a time. If context makes it clear, am and pm can be dropped on subsequent time references.
Use italics for titles of books, albums, songs, movies, shows and other works of art.
Pilgrim's Progress, My Worth Is Not in What I Own, Shadowlands, The Thinker
For questions regarding writing and style, contact Lynn Yount at