Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Big idea: Humbly turn to God in faith and gratitude for the mercy and grace in the Noahic covenant. ...
What’s the difference between unbelief and doubt? Unbelief is a resistance to unwanted truth; whereas doubt is belief under scrutiny. The main difference between the two is: unbelief doesn’t want help to believe, whereas doubt does want help to believe. We see that sort of doubt in this passage. A man has carried a major burden in his life which has been a cause for much temptation to doubt. But when he encounters Jesus, he receives the help he needs not only for his burden, but for his doubt. We see from this that we need to bring to Christ the things that are tempting us to doubt, and we need to entrust them to him. Then, we need to let him conform our hearts and minds to a more accurate understanding of who he is. When we do this, doubt is driven out.
Sermon Notes:
Main Idea: Doubt is driven out when we bring it to Jesus
Familiar causes for temptation to doubt:
Jesus’ Response to Doubt:
Our Response to Jesus’ Correction of our Doubt:
Former college pastor at Faith, Jared and his family are currently preparing to move to the Czech Republic and work as global outreach partners in 2024. He and his wife, Claire, have three children.
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