Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: Obey it or fight it, God’s glorious mission for the world will continue. See...
Big idea: Humbly turn to God in faith and gratitude for the mercy and grace in the Noahic covenant. ...
Main idea: Live by faith in God’s promise of salvation as you see His judgment coming. Look at the fruit of your faith. Hebrews 11:7 Take seriously God’s perspective on sin. Romans 3:23 ...
Main idea: Face up to God’s judgment on sin and turn to Him for grace. The biggest judgments remaining: Daniel 12:2-3Revelation Consider God’s judgment on unrestrained evil action...
Main idea: Live with faith in God, and hope in His promises while death still reigns. Take up your privileged charge. (5:1-3) Be sober-minded about your life. (5:4-31) Psalm 90 Walk with God....
Main idea: The victorious return of the King-priest commands a daily life reset. Hear the prophecy of His comingOffer your life freely(What) voluntary worship(When) at his return in power(How) in...
Main idea: Look to Christ in faith who is snatching victory out of the jaws of Satan Believe God’s Promise (Genesis 3:15)EnmityVictoryOut of DefeatLook to God’s Sign (Numbers 21:4-9)...
Renounce sinful responses to guilt and humbly turn to God who pursues you. Luke 19:10 Jesus says “The son of man came to seek and save the lost.” Renounce the sinful responses to guilt: Pretending it doesn’t exist, Hidi...
Main idea: Falling for Satan’s lies leaves us guilty, ashamed and condemned and only God’s grace can restore us. Be watchful for the cunning of Satan John 8:44 Revelation 12:9 Ephesians 6:1...
Introduction Main idea: Trust God’s good plan and Christ’s redeeming work to be faithful and flourish as male or female. Trust your Creator-King’s good plan. “Have you not read that he who created them from the be...
Main idea: Turn to the Lord your creator to find (refresh) your purpose and place in His new creation work. Recount your noble purpose (4-6)Genesis 4:17-22Return to your Lord ...
Main idea: God’s work in creating and sustaining all things calls for constant thanksgiving Romans 1:21 Thank you Lord, for __________ you made. (Thankful) Submission(Thankful) StewardshipSati...
Main idea: Get your thinking straight about God’s creation of His Kingdom Chance Pleasure Examine God’s creationImage and likenessThe Creation MandateExercise dominion...
Main idea: Get your thinking straight about God’s creation of His Kingdom Examine God’s Creation Exalt the glory of the King Establish your life under His kingship Automated ...
Main idea: Come trust the eternal God who promises and carries you into life with him in a new Garden of Eden. God is revealing himself to you in a book. God alone is self-existent. God alone is eterna...
Main idea: Set your heart today on the time Jesus will personally reign over every nation. ...
Main idea: Take heart Christian, when Jesus returns, you will be re-united with all believers who have died. Grieve with HopePhilippians 1:21Anchor your soul in the coming of the Lord God...
(Keep) Turning to God from Idols Wait for His Son Psalm 25:2, 5Titus 2:11-15From heavenPhilippians 3:18-21Whom God raised from the dead1 Corinthians 15:20-25...
Main Idea: Anticipate Christ’s return and serve His people, and you will be ready for your first face-to-face meeting with Him. Anticipate Christ’s return.Matthew 16:28 Serve His people as a st...
Note: This article was adapted from a sermon by Dan Jarms at Faith Bible Church on April 28, 2024. As a loving community making...
Main idea: Unity and Love for fellow Christians will mark the church that loves Jesus. Shoulder the load of missions (1 Corinthians 16:5-12).Stand firm in the faith and love (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)Subject yourself ...
Cultivate habits of generosity in light of the certain hope of the resurrection. Introduction Foundations of Generosity Stewardship defines Love directs Gospel displays ...
Main idea: Re-ignite your hope and service; this body will be resurrected in a body suitable for eternal life with God. Anticipate four realities of resurrected bodies: Fruitful for GodFit ...
Main idea: Christ Rose from the dead so that the Father would be our all in all The Promise (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)Romans 8:11Romans 8:29The Plan (1 Corinthians 15:23-24a)The Purpose (1 Co...
The ScriptureRomans 3:24-25Galatians 1:3-42 Corinthians 5:21The AppearancesThe Transformation Automated Transcription No...
Main idea: Keep absorbing and implementing the essential gospel Grasp the fullness of the gospel Acknowledge your relationship to the gospel Prioritize the essential good news Christ...
My wife Linda and I reach two significant milestones this spring: We cross 25 years of vocational ministry and 20 years as teaching pastor. What have we seen? These words from David ring true: “But the steadfast love of the Lord is from...
Main idea: Love learns in a respectful and orderly way in church gatherings. Learn respectfully in the church gathering1 Corinthians 11:3-10Ephesians 5:22-331 Timothy 2:9-13Remain submissiv...