Main idea: Get your thinking straight about God’s creation of His Kingdom Chance Pleasure Examine God’s creationImage and likenessThe Creation MandateExercise dominion...
We will be using the book Learn the Gospel, Deepen Your Understanding of and Trust in the Message about Jesus by Tony Payne. This book is available at the Information Center. You can use the register feature in Church Center to pay the $12 that the book costs. If paying for the book is a challenge, feel free to take one without paying. This booklet is a companion to the book Learn the Gospel and contains the schedule and the key Bible passages, teaching videos, and homework assignments we will be looking at together.
The goal is to study the gospel together so that we will be equipped to speak the gospel to ourselves, to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to the world. We will be working together on our “gospel fluency” so that all of us are ready and able to communicate the good news in whatever situations the Lord places us. May we all be further encouraged and equipped to live out Colossians 4:5-6, “Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
For this season, we won’t discuss in groups the passages that are preached on Sunday morning. In the fall we plan to return to growth group studies that follow the Sunday sermons.
• Why learn the gospel?
• Creation
• Sin
• Judgment
• Jesus’ death
• Jesus’ resurrection
• Our response
• Building on the foundation
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible Church