Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: Obey it or fight it, God’s glorious mission for the world will continue. See...
At FBC, we want to be worshipers who express our worship joyfully, feel each other’s pain deeply, and confess theologically rich truth with conviction. However, when it comes to planning gathered worship, it’s not always easy to balance these values. Often, as many churches do, we find ourselves singing about the same kinds of things, and singing the same kinds of songs. So, this summer, to help us understand God and the Christian life in a fuller and clearer way, we are introducing four new songs which cover some themes that we see a need for in our gathered worship.
Throughout bible we see lament modeled for us. Congregations cry out to God in the midst of pain, doubt, fear, and trail, asking God to deliver them. Some of us may be going through times of joy and contentment, but many of us are experiencing deep pain in our lives. It’s a song like this which helps us weep with those who weep, and ask God to give us hope.
“Abba, Father, our Redeemer
In this barren land, be our hope and strength
Until glory we will trust and sing
Abba, Father, hear our plea” - Sovereign Grace
Living in an economically privileged country, we all live embarrassingly comfortable lives compared to a lot of the world. And, as Christians we can tend to just sit back too comfortably on this hope and truth that we have in Christ, neglecting to tell the world of the gospel that Jesus offers to everyone! This lethargic cowardice is something that we all need to repent of, and renew our pledge to make known the name of Jesus, whatever the cost. In response to the great commission, we get to sing this commitment to evangelism together in this new song.
“Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that, undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known” – Keith & Kristen Getty
Every day, every hour, we need the gospel. The truth and glory of Christ is the solution to every problem, the antidote for all pain, and the motivation for all of life. This song is a prayer that captures the essence of how we should daily offer lives to Jesus.
“As morning dawns and day awakes,
To You I bring my need
O gracious God, my source of strength,
In You I live and breathe
Each hour is Yours by wisdom planned,
Each deed empowered by sovereign hands
Renew my spirit, help me stand;
Be glorified today” – Sovereign Grace
As we learn to acknowledge pain and suffering in our gatherings, we also want to learn how to celebrate. In response to the greatness of God and the salvation he has made known to us, we ought to rejoice! Nothing that we encounter is like God, nothing. He deserves our joyful, whole hearted worship, because he is worthy. Psalm 98 tells us to come gather around a new song with our instruments and voices, and make a joyful noise. Shane & Shane have put together a modern arrangement of this psalm that will give us the opportunity to follow the encouragement of this psalm and “break fourth in joyous song.”
“Sing unto the Lord
A new song for what He's done
He's made known to us
His salvation
Make a joyful noise
O all the earth
Break forth in joyous song
Sing praise!” – Shane & Shane
Evan Jarms grew up at Faith Bible Church and is now a Worship Pastor at Highlands Community Church in Renton, WA.
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