Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: God saves and destroys by His Word, so repent and believe! Noah and his family and the a...
We made it! The Lord was faithful to lead our family through graduation from The Master’s Seminary in May. We are so thankful for all that the Lord has taught us through these 3 years. He is a faithful equipper of His people for the work of ministry.
We left LA late in May and took a slow road trip up the West coast to arrive back in Spokane early in July. Here we await approval for Claire’s visa application, please be praying that it would be approved and that we would hear back soon. Hopefully we’ll know by the end of July.
I have been offered an Associate Pastor position at my hometown church in Ivybridge, England. We are excited as a family to return to the church where I was saved as a teenager.
Please be praying for the logistics of an international move, our kids as we move from a church with much family support to one with almost none, for our new church and us as we integrate into the fellowship and community there.
Thank you for your continued support of our family!
I (Jeremy) have completed 30 hours, or about 1/3 of the course requirements for my MDiv studies with the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and my last class of Greek Exegesis in Ephesians was completed on campus in Louisville the week of June 3-8. We are very thankful for the ability for me to be able to do this training online because of the flexibility, and how I am still able to function as a husband and father since I am able to do much of my course work at night at work. The longer I am in it the more excited I am about being further equipped to be able to be an instrument for effectively handling God’s word for the purpose of building up the body. With graduation still potentially 4 years away, I have not yet explored many options of what to do once I have completed my MDiv.
Stephanie and I are both thankful to be a part of some of the fellowship of the Spokane TMS students and wives, which helps with the fact that I am not able to form connections with my own profs and fellow students like those who are in a physical class together.
You can pray for us to continue strong, both as a couple and for me as a diligent student, always keeping our focus on how to serve Christ and his church through all that we do. Like everyone else, we are as much in need of the support of this local church. You can also pray for wisdom regarding whether to complete my degree online, or if it would be prudent to spend some extended time in Louisville in the future, especially as we consider when and if I immediately want to continue with a ThM or a doctoral program after the MDiv is complete.
After finishing one year of seminary, we spent this last year in Malawi, Africa serving at the Central African Preaching Academy (CAPA) and International Bible Fellowship (the church connected with CAPA). CAPA trains Malawian pastors and those pursuing pastoral ministry to preach and teach God’s word accurately. Chris taught Hebrew and other classes in addition to helping with administrative tasks at CAPA. It was encouraging for Chris to use almost everything he learned in his seminary classes from the previous year at CAPA. We were both able to help in the youth group connected with the church, and Chris was able to teach some church equipping classes and preach once on Sunday morning. Ashley was able to help with some CAPA administrative tasks and help with some of the homeschooling of the missionary kids. Ashley greatly enjoyed building friendships with the missionary wives and learned much from them.
Currently, we are in the Boise area after returning to the US where Chris is doing a summer pastoral internship at Heritage Bible Church pastored by Jim Harris. We both hope to be able to dive into serving and to be able to get to know many people at the church. Chris will be preaching twice and will be teaching some equipping classes.
At the end of July, we plan on returning to Spokane to finish Chris’s seminary training at the TMS extension campus. Our goal in returning to Spokane from Los Angeles is to be able to continue to learn and serve at our home church and to continue to grow in relationship and mentoring with elders and pastors of Faith Bible Church and their wives. After ministering in Malawi, we both saw how essential it is for missionaries on the field to be affirmed as elder qualified and we both want to grow towards that with the people who know us best at FBC.
Our future goals include Chris pursuing a place whether in the US or overseas where he is able to preach regularly and also train men for ministry.
We have finished our first year of Seminary. Jubilee has been working hard at her job, freeing me up to study hard. I tested out of 1st-year Greek before starting classes at the seminary, and will be entering into Greek Exegesis this next semester. The hope is also to be able to test out of 1st-year Hebrew as well. This summer, I will be taking a Biblical Hebrew immersion language course at the Biblical Language Center in Israel. Jubilee and I are looking forward to spending sometime there with her side of the family (they invited us)! After that, I plan on doing the UGM camp, a great opportunity share the love of Jesus with some kids from the surrounding neighborhood. When school starts back up the plan is to jump back into youth ministry. Jubilee and I have enjoyed being used by God to impact kids who are growing up in church.
We are confident that God will continue to open doors for the future. Right now, we have 3 years left in seminary if the Lord wills. The first option from there on out would be to pick up some sort of pastoral/teaching job in a church. We do not know where we will be of most use to the body of Christ… but we are willing to go wherever God sends us.
With that there are a few things you can be praying for:
Thank you for supporting us with your prayers! May God use you for His glory!
A year ago, we had questions. Could I keep up with the workload of seminary? What would it be like to study at an extension site? How would we, as a couple in our second year of marriage, handle the new levels of business and stress? Of course, in hind sight, God’s grace was at work in all of our concerns. God provided energy for studying, an extension site that exceeded expectations, the grace Nicole and I needed to care for each other well through all the business and stress, and many other things we never even thought to question.
In addition to my studies and Nicole’s work at Wheatland Bank, we also had the joy of making disciples in Youth Ministry. What a sweet group of servant hearted staff! To all of the parents who allowed us to be a part of the lives of their students, we are very grateful! We love being a part of the life of Faith Bible and look forward to another year of coming alongside the families of Faith.
Future plans? As of now, Nicole and I are, for the most part, content with locking into this season of learning and growing. But, we are dreaming and praying! Full-time ministry is the aim. But, we have yet to see how God will deal with the how and where and when of our future.
Even though year number one went well, we are by no means under the illusion that we have what we need for this next school year. So, please pray for us!
Thanks for all the love and prayers!
My wife Lin and I, along with our four children, began attending Faith Bible Church last November. For the previous 7 years I had been serving as pastor of a church in Republic, WA. Previously, I worked in full-time music ministry, and later with youth, for about 15 years—but all without seminary training.
In God’s great kindness, He made it possible for me to attend Master’s Seminary over the summer, and to begin to acquire many of the educational pieces I have both missed and longed for over the years. I am so very grateful to have this opportunity to improve and grow! My greatest joy in ministry is and has been preaching and teaching the Bible and watching lives change as a result. It is my great hope that seminary training will improve my effectiveness and usefulness in the Kingdom. Lord willing, once seminary is completed, I would like to return to serving a church as a pastor wherever the Lord desires to place our family. In the meantime, we intend to plug-in here at FBC in whatever ways would be most helpful.
If you would like to pray for our family, please consider these requests: My oldest daughter Nathalie (Nat) is finishing up a degree this fall, while also working at Home Depot. She’s very near the finish line—pray for strength to persevere to the end. My oldest son Jonathan (Jon) is studying missionary aviation at Moody. Please pray for provision so that he might continue his studies uninterrupted. My youngest daughter Sandra (Sandy) just finished a degree in foreign languages and is seeking both a local job, and to discern her next steps in education and life. My youngest son Corwin (Corey) is in homeschool with the best instructor I know—my lovely wife! Pray for his perseverance too, as we’re entering the home stretch and scholarships are on the line. Lin is busy caring for all of us and holding the home together. Pray for direction as she considers part-time work to supplement the family budget. Finally, if you will, pray for me, that I will press hard into study for the classes in which I’m enrolled. At 52, I feel a bit slow compared to the young men attending Master’s. Pray also that I might be an encouragement to them, to our growth group, and to our leaders here at FBC.
Thanks! Dave Knowles.
By God’s grace, we finished at The Master’s Seminary this spring! We can’t believe we left our beloved Faith Bible Church 4 years ago this last week, but what an amazing season it has been.
God has taught us so much as a family, and as we look back on the support and encouragement of the Body of Christ, we are overwhelmed! He did it all.
Throughout the spring and early summer days we have been engaged in pursuing future ministry opportunities, and most recently have accepted an invitation to be an Associate Pastor of Gold Country Baptist Church starting July 29th.
As we joyfully anticipate a move to our new home in Shingle Springs, CA (that’s right…Shingle Springs is a real place!), we are sad to leave our SoCal friends and family. Pray for Laura as she sets up home in a new place (small town!); for relationships with the elders and leaders there to grow quickly, and for new friendships; pray also for gospel impact and energy as Corey will be preaching, giving leadership to the worship, outreach and evangelism ministry in the days to come.
We are privileged to be fellow servants of the King with you all, and the impact FBC has made on our lives is inestimable! We hold you in our hearts. “To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Eph. 3:21)
The Dionne’s are beginning their fourth year in Los. Arlo (8 months) is just about ready to start crawling, and Elliott (4) is eager to have a companion on his explorations and adventures! Michael and Vanessa have settled into ministry in their new adult fellowship group after a transition out of children’s ministry last summer. Michael co-shepherds their Bible Study and preaches monthly at a local rehabilitation center, and has transitioned from full-time work and part-time seminary to a full-time class load with less hours in the office, which will hopefully allow him to graduate seminary in Spring of 2020. Vanessa spends her hours shepherding Elliott and Arlo while also managing the apartment complex in Burbank where the Dionne’s live.
Michael and Vanessa are still prayerfully considering a move overseas to England upon graduation, and God has provided a potential opportunity which they are prayerfully considering. This church plant has need of associate pastors who can help with administration, teaching, shepherding, and counseling as they seek to grow more mature and eventually plant churches throughout London. Please pray for wisdom, opportunity, and clear direction from God as the details come into focus as seminary progresses.
Please pray for the Dionne family as they balance Michael’s heavy work- and school-load with the busyness of life with young children in the fast-paced culture of Los Angeles. The responsibilities and time commitments of ministry, family, work, and studies are constantly in need of attentive prayer and discipline, which can wear on Michael and Vanessa, especially with the needs of Arlo and Elliott. Praise the Lord for the further clarity in a possible direction post-seminary, and for the unity in vision which God is providing for both Michael and Vanessa as they consider their next steps in ministry!
Hannah and I are writing this update form Spain, where we have been on an exploratory trip seeking to discern which areas of Spain are in need of churches and God’s will for us in the future. We are about to enter our last full year at The Masters Seminary in August, where we are seeking to be equipped to plant a church in Spain. In this country less than one percent of the population are believers, and there are hundreds of cities and towns with absolutely no Gospel witness. Our desire is to help plant a church in one of those towns while working together with an existing Spanish church. During this crucial time for us in Spain, we have gotten to know several Spanish pastors and have visited several different towns of more than 20,000 people where there is no Gospel witness. We feel the weight of the need for the Word of God to be proclaimed in these places.
We are currently serving in the Spanish ministry at Grace Community Church where we are involved in evangelism, discipleship, and teaching small groups. This year I will have a heavy schedule of teaching evangelism classes, a home Bible study, and adult Sunday School. We enjoy the many opportunities for fellowship and growth at Grace Church and want to continue encouraging the believers there.
I am now working in the Spanish ministry office at church while Hannah continues working for Partners International.
Please pray for us in the following ways:
We miss the FBC church family and the fellowship that we have enjoyed with you all. We hope to see many of you again in the near future.
Ian is the Youth Pastor of Faith Bible Church. He and his wife, Claire, have 5 kids and recently spent a few years serving in a small church in England.
View Resources by Ian RushJeremy, formerly an elder at Faith, is now an elder at Trinity Church in Spokane Valley, which was planted by Faith in 2021.
View Resources by Jeremy KuhnJoe and his wife Hannah are Global Outreach Partners in Leon, Spain. Their long-term desire is to help plant a church in one of the many un-churched cities in Spain in Partnership with The Master's Seminary.
View Resources by Joe GreweJosh is a student at TMS Spokane. He grew up here at Faith Bible Church. He and his wife love to study the Bible together and are passionate about a life of ministry after seminary.
View Resources by Josh StebbinsJosh is a graduate of The Master's Seminary Spokane. He and his wife Nicole enjoy reading novels together and spending time outdoors.
View Resources by Josh SturmAt this equipping night we learned how to understand and apply...