Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: God saves and destroys by His Word, so repent and believe! Noah and his family and the a...
Faith Bible Church has the amazing privilege of housing and supporting the Master’s Seminary's Spokane campus! By participating in pouring into the lives of the men being trained, Faith Bible Church has a gospel partnership with these men and their current or future ministries. As part of FBC, you can support these men who, by God’s grace, will have fruitful pastoral ministries in this region, across the country, and across the globe. You can support this ministry directly by contributing financially to the Seminary Scholarship Fund, praying for the current students, and spending time with them. Below we have listed information and prayer requests for each of the current students involved in TMS Spokane so that you can partner by prayer in this ministry!
“Having more questions than answers,” used to be a cliché. In today’s world, not so much. For us, the questions we’re asking right now are, “How is God going to use all this to change His Church?” “How is this going to affect my start at TMS?” And most of all, “How is this going to affect us?”
Thankfully, this isn’t the first time we’ve gone through a season of questions. Chances are, this isn’t your first time, either. That’s why, in times when we have questions, it’s important to look at times when God had answers:
Kimberlee and I fell in love while attending Moody Bible Institute in Spokane. In 2015 I graduated with my B.A. in Pastoral Studies and a couple months later I proposed. During our first years of marriage I taught history and Bible at a private school near Seattle. During that time, I continued to pursue the call of ministry by serving in a leadership role at our church.
In 2018, God brought me back to the Inland Northwest to become senior pastor at Bayview Bible Church in Bayview, ID (near Silverwood and Farragut State Park). I am blessed to lead this church. I get to do what I love: lead, preach, teach and reach. It’s my dream job, and I look forward to honing it while studying at Master’s Seminary. As we look back on faithful answers and look forward with hopeful questions, here’s how you can pray for us. Shoot me a text or call and let me know how I can pray for you, too (208) 217-4046.
Morghan and I are new to the seminary this Fall. During this past Spring, at the conclusion of my undergraduate degrees, I knew that I needed to obtain the best seminary education/training I could get, recognizing I had been called to pursue vocational ministry in some capacity. As a result, I decided to apply for The Master’s Seminary – Spokane knowing that if I was accepted, we would have to relocate to Spokane, from Western Washington (the NE Tacoma area). God opened all of the necessary doors in order for me to attend The Master’s Seminary. He also guided and provided for us through the entire transition process, even through the trials. Praise the Lord! Now, we are beginning to settle in and are excited for the next few years, eagerly anticipating where God will lead us!
As a family, we are planning on attending Faith Bible Church. Being new to the area, and the church, I have not been involved with the church, yet. I am confident, though, that God will allow us to serve where we are needed the most.
Prayer Requests:
We are just about done with our seminary journey. Ursula and Forrest met and were married back in NJ. After a few years of teaching in a Christian school, we moved out to LA to attend the Master’s Seminary. We spent 18 months there before making the move to Coeur D’Alene, ID to finish up at TMS-Spokane and serve at Hayden Bible Fellowship. Forrest is an intern there, working closely with the pastors. Ursula dives in where she can with three littles running around.
My name is Seth Clark and I have been attending TMS Spokane full-time for 1 year. My wife, Miriam, and I are members at Hayden Bible Fellowship in Hayden. We are both involved in a variety of ministries there, seeking to disciple and be discipled into the image of Christ. We have four children (ages 7, 6, 4, and 2). Please join us in prayer as we desire to see Christ’s glory exalted, His gospel spread within our community and throughout the earth, and His people edified by the truth of His word.
We are Josh and Taylor Greenslade. We have 3 littles: Timothy (7 in September), Stephen (5), Ember (3). We are serving at Peaceful Valley Church in Elk Washington. Surprisingly, we are not in the Peaceful Valley area (in Spokane) nor are we in a valley... but that's ok. God has blessed us to be here for the last 8 years. I'm co-pastoring with another guy from the area. He does most of the Sunday preaching, and I am responsible for Music, Missions, and Youth ministries as well as the administrative load that we share.
Several years ago I went to the Shepherds Conference in California, and God really impressed on my heart the need to be trained further. We prayed and wrestled with whether or not we should move to California to attend The Masters Seminary. I began online classes, and in God's providence, Faith Bible became a distance campus. I'm working through my seminary training slowly, and am about 1/4 of the way finished. I hope to finish before my oldest graduates :)
Prayer Requests
Hikmat Hanna is a full-time student and is in his first year at TMS. He works for Family Promise of Spokane as a homeless shelter supervisor and family case worker. L’Tanya Hanna is Hikmat’s wife of 26 years and full-time mom.
Amirah Hanna is 15 years old and attends a Christian school in Spokane. Am’mi will be 20 in September and will graduate from EWU this year with a bachelor’s in Accounting and intends to immediately pursue her master’s in Accounting.
Hikmat and his wife were born and raised in Chicago and have been attending FBC for over 2 years. He is a US Air Force veteran as of 2016 and they now live in Cheney, WA. They are prayerfully considering what to do after seminary.
My name is Jimmy (Jim) Johnson and will turn 67 years old on August 12, 2020. I was married to my help-mate in October 1975 and had three sons during our 42 year marriage. She passed away from complications from a combination of Multiple Sclerosis (diagnosed in 1985) and Alzhiemers (diagnosed in (2011) on May 9, 2017. My three sons (those raised in 60s should remember the TV show with that name) and they all have professed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. My oldest son is a Theology Professor at Wheaton College (16 years), my middle son works for the US Forest Service in Springerville, AZ, and my youngest son is an Aviation Software for Garmin in Chandler AZ. Between these three I have 10 absolutely beautiful grand children ranging from one month to 15 years old ( 3 girls and 7 boys. I am beginning my seventh semester at TMS. I completed the first 2 semesters at the LA Campus and then was called to be the pastor of Seeley Lake Baptist Church in Seeley Lake, Montana and started here on September 15, 2019. I switched my classes to online classes then. My plans are to pastor the church here and work to finish my MDIV at TMS Spokane.
My prayer requests are:
Dave and Lin Knowles are attending His Place Church in Post Falls, Idaho, where Dave has been serving as the interim Pastor since April. Lin continues to serve at Moody Aviation helping the students to stay on track in their studies. While they greatly miss the fellowship at FBC, the opportunity to get back into pastoral ministry has been a tremendous blessing. The training received at Master’s over the past couple of years has been very helpful in Dave’s current ministry assignment, including regular preaching, serving as a consultant for the elder team at HPC, and writing weekly small group study materials. Dave continues to attend Master’s at a slower pace and hopes to graduate before the turn of the next century.
Please pray for wisdom to help the elders at His Place Church to shepherd their local body during the time until God provides a permanent lead pastor. Also pray for discernment as to the next ministry assignment God would have us fulfill, and for completion of the program at Master’s. Pray also for Nattie and Sandy as college is now behind them and they weigh options for the future, and also for Corey as he enters Whitworth this semester.
We love and miss you—our FBC family!
Alexey attends Spokane Baptist Church on the Hill and assists the Russian ministry there. Alexey is also a full-time contractor while attending TMS. Pray for blessing on Alexey’s ministry at Spokane Baptist Church in investing in many in the congregation there. Pray for wisdom in balancing work, ministry, and seminary study.
Zach and Emily attend Christ Our Hope Bible Church, where Zach assists with the music ministry there. Zach began attending TMS Spokane in January 2020 on a part time basis. Pray for wisdom in balancing life and how many TMS classes to take each term. Pray for grace in helping with music ministry at Christ Our Hope Bible Church.
Hi! We’re Ashley and Chris Mullins and we attend Faith Bible Church. I (Chris) have grown up at this church and currently I am on the church administrative staff overseeing TMS Spokane seminary operations. The last couple years, Ashley and I have helped out with the college ministry at FBC, but this year we are leading a small group centered around how to read the Bible well. This Fall is my last semester at TMS Spokane, and we are looking ahead to getting involved in pastoral ministry! We are not sure where this will be yet, but I hope to be involved in equipping people in the local church in a variety of ways, including training lay leaders in the church. I also hope to be in a role where I can preach regularly. Mainly, Ashley and I want to be useful and faithful wherever we go and love and disciple people wherever we are at.
Here are a couple prayer requests that you could be praying for us for:
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
- Lamentations 3:22-23
As our family enters our fourth year at TMS Spokane, we rejoice in the steadfast love and faithfulness of our Lord. We are thankful to God for the opportunity to attend seminary here in Spokane. It is a joy to join together with other men from around our region who desire to glorify God through the preaching and teaching of His Word. I am thankful for the opportunity to train under professors who also serve as local pastors. To hear them teach Christ in the classroom, preach Him on Sunday mornings, and model a relationship with Him daily is an immense privilege.
My wife Samantha and I have been married for five years. Our daughter Emmaline is two and we have another little one on the way this January. I currently serve as a pastoral intern at Christ Our Hope Bible Church. It is a privilege to help with the youth ministry and college ministry here at COHBC. Lord willing, we will have a year and a half left of seminary. Our long-term desire would be to preach the Word and love the people in a rural church.
Prayer Requests:
Hi Family, our hearts miss being with you!!! We praise God for Faith Bible Church. We can’t thank our Elders and the Biblical Counseling Center enough for helping us through a very tough time. Our awesome growth group has loved us sacrificially. We are about half way through completing Seminary. Josh is working a full-time job and will begin this semester with a part-time credit load. Jubilee is learning from older women, helping Josh and looking for a part-time job.
Our prayer requests:
Thank you! We love you!
Josh is beginning his third year of seminary while also serving his second year as a Resident Youth Pastor at Faith Bible Church. His wife Nicole is pursuing a biblical counseling certification through ACBC and working full-time at a local bank. Both enjoy books, walks, coffee, and long conversations.
Seven years ago, Christ Our Righteousness was planted by Christ Our Hope and Faith Bible Church. We are a Russian Speaking church that has a heart for over 40,000 Russian speaking people living in our area. Becoming a pastor was a great joy and honor for me, but also great responsibility. I never had any formal theological training prior to that and when the opportunity came to study at The Master's Seminary it was a dream come true!
This is my fourth year in seminary, and it will probably take me another year to complete my studies, as I am a full-time pastor and have 5 children to take care of. Studying at Master’s has not only been a great challenge for me but much greater blessing. It is a blessing to learn and understand Scripture on a much deeper level, learning from the best to shepherd and care for God’s church. The last four years have really stretched me and grown me in many areas, and I am still very eager to learn all that I can, to be more equipped to care for Christ’s sheep.
I was raised on a dairy farm in Elk, Washington, a small community in rural north Spokane County. My family has always been involved and committed to their local congregation, Peaceful Valley Church. When Tosha and I were married in 2001, we lived a short stint on the west side of Washington, but then moved back to Elk. We have both been involved in various ministries at PVC and when the opportunity to apply for the pastoral position, I submitted my name for consideration. I was accepted and appointed the preaching pastor of PVC.
Though my day job has been church administration and sermon study, it gives me great joy that Tosha has remained as committed as ever to serve the body for its maturity and unity. I have been blessed with numerous counseling opportunities, teaching responsibilities, and the majority of the Sunday morning preaching. It gives me great satisfaction to study and proclaim the Word of God and watch the LORD change the hearts and minds of His people at PVC. I am only in my first academic year with TMS, and am planning on taking the slow route (potentially another 7 more years before finishing), but thus far, I have been blessed by the instructors, the administration, and the content of the seminary. Thank you all for the resources that you have invested in the smaller churches in Spokane's surrounding regions.
Prayer Requests:
At this equipping night we learned how to understand and apply...