Main idea: Place your trust and worship in God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth. ...
Replacing our aging and failing sound and light systems, reconfiguring the platform space to be more conducive to large ensembles, making the stage more accessible to those with limited mobility, creating better sightlines throughout the auditorium, long-term cost savings through greater energy efficiency.
We are currently receiving bids from general contractors, electricians, and other professionals for the various phases of the project. Meanwhile, we are engaged in the permitting process with the City of Spokane. While we don’t anticipate any challenges and changes to our plan from the City, we must wait on these bureaucratic processes before we can proceed, which takes much longer than it used to pre-Covid.
Our start date will be largely determined by how quickly the City reviews and approves our construction drawings, but our hope is to be able to begin the work in early- to mid-July. Once construction begins, we anticipate 6-8 weeks before project completion.
During most of the construction phase, we hope to be able to use our auditorium, though in a modified format and with slightly reduced seating capacity. There may be some outdoor (weather permitting!) or off-site gatherings in the early stages of construction when there will be scaffolding and heavy machinery in our gathering space.
Our initial estimates (pre-Covid) were that an auditorium renovation would cost between $500,000 and $750,000. We anticipate being able to stay in that range, but sadly, due to rapidly rising construction costs, some aspects of the original plan (e.g. new carpet) have had to be put off for later projects in order to stay in that budget range.
As was shared at the last member meeting, the elders have begun the process to secure a line of credit to act as a safety net as we pull funds from our operational reserves to supplement donations to the capital fund. It is our hope that, with continued generous capital giving from our congregation, we will have minimal need to access funds using this line of credit.
John is the pastor over Music Ministry at Faith Bible Church. He is a coffee aficionado who loves most kinds of music, but has a particular fondness for big band (especially when he's playing trumpet in the band). He and his wife, Laurie, have 3 kids who enjoy reading, hiking, and the symphony.
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