Call to Worship: Romans 8:18-25
O Come O Come Emmanuel
O Come All Ye Faithful
Confession: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
My Soul Magnifies The Lord
Assurance: Psalm 130:7
Church Life
Prayer & Offering
Baptism: Quinten Downing
The Word
Genesis 3:14–24: Nathan Thiry
Sermon notes
The Lord’s Supper
O Come All You Unfaithful
Benediction: Luke 1:46-49
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible ChurchAs a teenager growing up in a Lutheran church in Iowa, I enjoyed serving as an acolyte, which is a person who lights the candles at the front of the church as the service begins and extinguishes them at the end. It was a formal proces...