
The Essential Gospel

1 Corinthians 15:1–4

Posted by Dan Jarms on March 10, 2024
The Essential Gospel
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Main idea: Keep absorbing and implementing the essential gospel

  1. Grasp the fullness of the gospel 
  2. Acknowledge your relationship to the gospel 
  3. Prioritize the essential good news 
    • Christ
    • Atonement
    • Resurrection

Implications from the first 14 chapters

  • Automated Transcription
  • 0:13
    For those of you who prayed for those of us with the shepherd's conference this week, thank you, it was one of the most encouraging shepherds conferences ever messages were phenomenal. And I'll post links to those. At some point when they come out in the coming weeks had a great time of being able to catch up with people that we have sent Joe groovy, who's missionary in Spain and at the missions conference, got to catch up with him and then saw Jared Kilcher and Corey Milliken and Isaiah Macker. All these people who have been here we've sent out was really encouraging time. I want to give you an update on the cultures or give you some news that most of you don't know about. They told their church this this morning, but it's been a couple of weeks, Sarah Walton Pam's daughter has been diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. The diagnosis officially came through on how far it was on Monday. And I got to spend some time with Jared this weekend. He and I were both talking about the resurrection, and how that just guarantees this hope and eternity. So they're joyful, and they're thankful. They're trusting. Obviously, they've got a whole bunch of stuff to wade through, and so do all the family. But I just wanted to be able to say that and those of you who know them, those of you who are new with us may not know the cultures. But you know, they're there. They're from faith Bible Church, Jared grew up and was trained here. You know, from his college days, and on. Sarah grew up here. So just want to pass that out. We'll pray for them in just a minute as we read God's word, but I wanted to share that with you. There are others who are sick, I'll pray for those as well and recovering. That's why this chapter is so much more fun to preach and last chapter. It's God's word, I believe all of it is good for us. This is really, really powerful. Stand with me for the reading of God's Word. First Corinthians chapter 15. I'm going to read one through 11. And I'll preach one through four in it. But I want to give you this immediate context. Now I would remind you brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received in which you stand by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures that he appeared to see first, then to the 12. Then he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me, Ryan, the least of the apostles unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and by His grace toward me, and his, his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them. Though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me, whether then it was I or they, so we preach. And so you believed, this is the word of the Lord. God, thank You that You have given us your son. And we are thankful for the message. Christ, we thank you for coming, dying, rising. We praise you and honor you, you are the good news and your your message and your proclamation or the good news that we need to hear to be centered on. And I pray that that would be true for us today. As we look at this passage, we have real practical needs, that this passage addresses real hopes that this passage and still so I pray for the guilt years I pray for Sarah first who is going to be undergoing the chemotherapy or radiation or whatever their protocols she's going to be going through give her grace to endure. And I pray for their girls to pray for Jared to pray for the church which will undoubtedly be grieving and concerned and rallying and I pray that you would buoy them up, strengthen them in the hope of the resurrection. And I pray Father for Judy Adams, one of our own who's had real serious pneumonia this week, barely being able to move, encourage her, strengthen her, build her up. There are others recovering I think of talking to the McCain Just this week who is on the other side of all his treatments for cancer, I pray that you would continue and there'd be all kinds of things, Lord marriages that are working toward godliness, or trying to keep from crumbling, all of the truths and this come to bear and so bring them to bear on it. I pray for our city, had a great conversation with Oliver Jones this week, and I pray that you would encourage and strengthen him as the pastors at CBC for Seth, one of our seminary graduates who is filling in today for him, and I just pray for faithfulness, faithfulness of Community Bible Church and proclaiming this gospel and standing on this gospel. Lord, I pray now that you would help us as we hear, it helped me apply it to my heart, us to each other Christ's name, Amen. You may be seated. So we come to the climax of Paul's first letter to Corinth. So after 14 chapters, Paul now says, I want to remind you, brothers and sisters of the gospel I preached to you. This week, I've been listening to a lot of messages. Because we were at a conference, but I've been thinking of you have had your faces in mind and Stowers. I want to preach the gospel to you. korban Rachel, my kids want to preach the gospel to you. Who's in the back? There they are. Brad and Andrea, I want to preach the gospel to you. Nancy, I want to preach the gospel to you this morning. I wish I knew more of your names. My old Justin, I want to preach the gospel to you. And on Tuesday, sorry, we missed last week. They're cops, I want to preach the gospel to you. I mean, this is what Paul's doing at the end. He's looking at this church. And he's saying brothers and sisters, I want to preach the gospel to you I want to make it known this word remind here is really the word make known want to make it known. And what he's going to do is make known the gospel and then all the implications of the resurrection. I think for the first 1015 years of my Christian life, I would have thought of the gospel only in terms of that amazing message about how sinners can find forgiveness about how to be forgiven by God and escape hell. Something like the ABCs of the Christian life. I love it for that I love the gospel, because sinners are saved by responding to it. I love singing about that. But I think once a Christian once I was a Christian, I felt like it was time to move on to deeper things. Aw Pink's attributes of God, Oswald Sanders, spiritual leadership. Within Christian marriage, there were The Five Love Languages that's I have, that's what you need to focus on. Parenting it was it was debates over demand feeding or schedule feeding.

    Should it be a child centered home? Or should it be a child welcoming home in a marriage centered home? Like we talked a lot about that when I started hearing about the gospel centered life? I was a little puzzled at first, like what is this? But what convinced me that my ABCs approach to the gospel was off was the plain reading of Romans one. And the plain reading of this passage in Romans one, he's talking to the believers in Rome. And he says, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. I thought these were the believers. What's he doing? He says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first, and also to the Greek I'm not ashamed to preach it to you believers. It's the power of God to salvation. And then we come to First Corinthians 15. He's clearly writing to beloved believers, and he says, I want to make known to you the gospel. And so I come to understand the gospel is not just the ABCs of the Christian life, but the A to Z, the A to Z of the Christian life. And all the topics and books and areas of growth have a place and how to place but my approach needed renovation. And if you want even more proof than just two passages read any letter of Paul, or Peter, and you can't get a moral imperative, like to be humble. Without it immediately connected to the death of Christ, the resurrection of Christ are both. All the moral imperatives are directly connected. Because of the gospel, then you do this.

    It's been true as we've gone through First Corinthians, issue after issue has been directly attacked, directly attached to that. Now in First Corinthians 15, we find the longest passage about the resurrection in the New Testament in the Bible. And he's going to unpack the implications of the gospel and the resurrection. And as he steps into that he wants to reestablish in our mind the essential gospel from which the teaching about our bodily resurrection goes from bud to blossom. So this is going to center us. And I would say this, I know I meet new people, every week, somebody's visiting this week. Somebody's checking us out wants to join us maybe this week, I would urge you to give careful consideration to the gospel and the resurrection over the coming weeks, just keep coming back, bring your friends back. Because we have no hope of restoration to God, eternal life with God without it. The hope of this very physical world is wrapped up in it. We can lay out lay down our lives for Christ because our very bodies will be resurrected and restored into the glorious image of Christ. Death will be defeated and life will be eternally victorious. Verse 58, provides that summary of what we're going to do with all of this at the end. This is the trajectory that we're headed to. This is therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast, therefore, based on all of the things in chapter 15, therefore, my beloved brothers be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. And that is great encouragement. So here's where we're going to start. The Apostle says, I want to make known to you, what do we do in response, we receive, we receive, we absorb we consider and the way he lays it out as we want to keep doing that big idea is to keep absorbing and keep implementing the essential gospel. Keep absorbing, keep implementing the essential gospel, every generation is going to turn something into the next issue of true righteousness. Besides the gospel, it's just it's nonstop whether it's where you give birth to your baby or not, can it for some has become an issue of true righteousness whether you vaccinate or not for some becomes an issue of true righteousness and I need to evangelize you about it. Open borders, closed borders, processed foods medical choices, makeup or no makeup. I've always chosen no makeup vegan diet carnivore diet all seem to come with moral imperatives behind them for a new righteousness a new standing A New Hope vegan diet carnivore if I have to choose what do you think I'm gonna say? Until the new heavens and new earth I'm gonna say carnivore, then and then I'm going vegan. Yeah, after that. I guess milk might be might be there. I don't know. I mean, it seems like people could talk for hours and hours and hours about those things, but you can't talk five minutes about the gospel. So Paul, they had it in Corinth. The new standing of righteousness was public speaking ability. I am of Paul.

    I am of apostle. I'm obscene office. He was the first

    there's the new standing of righteousness. There's our new hope. Having the right guy speaking

    what Paul calls us to hear is perennially relevant. It's parentally relevant. So he wants to unpack something about the resurrection. And he needs to start us or center us on the essential gospel. So here's what we're going to do, we're going to first try to start absorbing this whole chapter without calling grasping the fullness of the gospel. He says, I'm going to make it known, we need to grasp the fullness absorb the fullness. Second, we need to determine our standing in it or acknowledge our standing, have we believed it? And do we believe it? Where are we then we should continue in it. And then we need to focus or prioritize those essential elements, they need to be the thing that that we're consistently coming back to, and that we calibrate everything to. That's where we're going today. We're gonna preach the gospel to Paul wants to preach the gospel to you. So first let's, let's look at this one grasp the fullness of the gospel, Paul moves on to his final topic to grasp the fullness of the gospel. He says, verse one now, I would remind you literally, it is to make known to you, brothers and sisters. The gospel would remind you of the gospel. First one introduces us to the full orbed exposition of the gospel, beginning with the death and resurrection of Jesus. And he's going to answer really important questions. And I think of this now just applied as you're grabbing your learn the gospel books, so that you can do that and growth groups and really be like, spring baseball training, being ready to do all the basics for sharing the gospel track along this passage with that, he's going to answer really important questions in the topic. Do we live like ghosts after our death? Or do we get real bodies? Verse 12, is probably the reason he had to write the whole chapter. There were some who are denying bodily resurrection. And Paul says this false teaching has massive doctrinal consequences. Along the way, he answers questions like, how does the resurrection fit into God's overall plan? Is it worth it? To suffer? The baptism for the dead, I think is going to be those who got saved, were baptized after watching a murderer. give his life that's that's where I'm gonna take that. Unless I change it by the time I get there. I mean, the question is really relevant? Is it worth it to sell your house, leave your family and move as missionaries to Czech Republic like the militants are doing? Is that worth it? Which is going to be a resounding yes. It's worth it. What will our resurrected bodies be like? Will death continue to take everybody I love or take me from the ones that love me? Is does that is death always going to win? He answers really important questions. So as you go through the Learn the gospel material, keep your eye on this because there's going to be touchpoints that as you have conversations with relatives, friends, co workers, you know, you're going to be able to say hey, you know what the gospel means this is going to happen, I find it very helpful. So, first, absorb, be ready to grasp the fullness of the gospel. Second, acknowledge your relationship to the gospel. This is what the apostles doing. There's false teachers who are trying to shift the attention on their speaking skills and their success. And they're making that the ideal hope. And the Apostle Paul has said Now hold on a second. The main things the gospel. He says this in verse one, I want to remind you or I want to make known to you the gospel that I preached to you like he's just gonna historically remember this I came to your town I came to the synagogue, I started preaching to the synagogue when they kicked us out of the synagogue. I started preaching in your city and you believed don't let those other guys distract you. Don't let these guys who say there's no bodily resurrection distract you remember what I taught you You remember what you had at first, that he wants to remind them, which I think is really helpful for us? Where did we start? How do we continue? That's the strong temptation of the faith or as as humans is that we start well, but we don't finish. Well, that was the whole issue in Galatia. They started well, but then they started to go back to works. There are other issues at play here. So I want to bring you back. Now, if you notice here in English, you can make yourself a nice little outline, by underlining the word which, and then putting the label on it. There are actually five because the first of the witches isn't translated in the ESV, which I preached to you. So as historical fact, you heard the preaching, but then he says, this which I preached you which you received, in which you stand by which you are being saved. What's, what's the power of this gospel? What's it been in your life I love the word preached because it's the word you want to lead, XO, I gospel you. I preached good to you preach good news to you. And you received it. Like when he says, which you receive that idea of received is to welcome submit to it gladly welcoming it. People often talk about receiving Christ, and that is to receive Christ, the King, welcoming him welcoming His teaching, welcoming His authority. I preach this gospel, you welcomed it. I was thinking, related to this this week, John 112, through 13. John says that, that He came to His own and His own did not receive him. But he says, but all who did receive Him that is welcome Him, submit to Him, trust Him. To those who did receive Him who believed in his names. There's the relationship between receiving and believing putting your sole competence or hope in something that's faith or belief. He gave the right to become children of God. What an astounding statement. If you receive Christ as your King, you become children of God, who were born not a blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor have the will of man but of God. God in His gracious work, took the preaching of Paul's Gospel, and gave a new birth to the Corinthians. Took the heart heart out, but a soft heart and it took the blindness off and let them see. See, pulled out pushed out faith. And they became children of God. Think about the glorious reality if you receive Christ, you become a child of God. Christ is your king. He's also your brother, and your son. You're a daughter of the father, your brother, your sister of Christ. I'm reminded what Paul says in First Thessalonians 213. This is we think he's he's looking at the festival Thessalonians who are undergoing all kinds of persecution, and still being faithful. He says, We also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, you welcomed it, you absorbed it. You you believed what you heard from us, you've accepted it not as the word of men, but what it really is the word of God. You didn't just take Paul's word for it. It was God's word. You took it as it really was. Paul just had to be the mouthpiece. I preached you were saved. The second which in which you stand, in which you stand, you took your stand to believe it. The form of the word is you did it in the past, but its results are current, like it puts you in a place right now. You're standing in the gospel. I love what Shane and Shane did with that, that song that in Christ that we just sang, and we sing it. I am forgiven. We are forgiven. We are forgiven. And when we stand we stand we stand like we stand for given in the cross. Like that's our standing we stand there that's where you stand. Again, coming back to all the kinds of things that we want to take a stand in

    your people take a stand, a moral stand about dryer sheets and dryer balls really, toilet papers must go over, can't go under. I rebuke you in the name of the Lord for saying amen. Seriously, like people do. But me I'm Paul, I'm of apologists like you just go through the Corinth church and they're like taking a stand. What do you stand in? Your favorite preacher? No, that's what you took a stand in, you took a stand in Christ, and the good news that he preached. That's what you did. So you received it, you believe that you've taken your stand and you still are there. By which another witch and your text by which you're being saved. Here's a crucial sense of salvation as a change in status and location. Received standing is about that going from child of the devil, to Child of God, kingdom of darkness, kingdom of light. I don't mean all you guys are the kingdom of darkness. Just just trying to make it visible. Like there's a new standing that a person has. Right that's so the first day this one now is different, by which you are being saved. So we've talked about status, and location. But now we want to talk about preservation

    by which you are being saved, so something's saving you it's passive. You're almost inactive in this and something is saving you. What is it to be saved? Christians rightfully talked about are you saved, you have salvation, we talked about what is it? If I was going to break it down really simply. It's the idea of rescue or deliverance, rescue rescue from trouble deliverance. If you want to picture in your mind, this is my favorite kind of picture. Somebody is out on a rock in the Spokane River as the rivers rising, and that rock is about to disappear. We don't know how they got to the rock, bad idea beyond the rock, but they're there and a rescuer comes out and pulls them off the rock and gets them to safety. That is salvation. Jesus is a savior. He's a rescuer. He's a deliverer from what? From what? The reception and the standing have come because of our justification when we believed in Christ trusted that he died for us. We have a standing in God. But you live in a world where there are temptations and trials and difficulties that are after your faith that are after your soul. You have inward the realities of sin. You have outward temptations from the devil and his minions, you have a world that wants you to follow in their what they consider their happy sinful patterns and paths. And you need to be rescued the gospel rescues you from this. You are being saved, you are being preserved

    because of the evil forces, that are arrayed against you, presence of sin, you need this gospel. We have the past, we have the present. We have the future being saved will be saved. It all comes together. What what do I do then? She said this is your He calls us to own that relationship. He throws an IF clause in if you hold fast to the word. There's a condition. Normally when the apostle uses this kind of condition, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, he usually means and I assume you will. But there's a degree of your ownership of continuing faith. You need to hold fast For those who are truly saved Romans five, five says the love of God is poured out in your heart through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit empowers you to believe. And here's how it works in real time, some issue has popped up and you have been tempted to find either your pleasure in it, your ultimate delight in it, or a place of right moral standing, maybe in comparison to another or maybe to feel good about yourself, and you're distracted from what the real gospel is. And there are warnings, some false teaching comes in, there's warnings, hey, wait a second. If you go down that road, you're going away from Christ, and Christ is the only place for you to hold to him and his work. Watch out. And the believer says, Oh, right. Thank you for shaking me out of it. Warning passages in the Bible are like that. That then he says something else. Unless, unless you believed in vain. Given the nature of the false teaching that was spreading, and people holding on to it, Paul couldn't always tell who was eternally secure or not, there were and according to Matthew 13, are marked for the parable of the soils, there are typically four kinds of responses to the gospel. One is out and out rejection, they're the seed that falls on the hard soil, and they just out and out reject it, then there are two who respond, but one, the cares of the world start creeping in and crowding out, they're, they're the one on the weedy soil. There are those who are in the rocky soil that sprouts up. But when persecution comes or difficulty comes, they're like, I'm out of here. There's only one good soil. There could be in Corinth, people who weren't genuine. And Paul Slyke, I plead with you. So believe what you believe in vain for nothing. So brothers and sisters, what's your relationship to the gospel? What's your relationship to the gospel? Have you welcomed Christ as your King? Have you taken your stand? Is this the only place where I find my ultimate hope and rest? Am I being rescued? Am I growing, denying sin holding fast and suffering? By growing?

    Knowledge in the relationship of this, you still trusting God and troubles and temptations of life? leads us to our third point prior prioritize the essential good news caused us to start on a path absorbing all of this. Then he's telling us acknowledge or verify what's your relationship to this good news. And then he says prioritize the essential good news. You must keep the essential truths of the gospel central in your walk with God in your evangelism and your role in family life. And your ministry. He says verse three, fright delivered to you as a first importance what I also received. So this is my message when I saw Jesus on the road to Damascus. And he revealed himself to me when I spent three years in the desert being taught by Jesus, he gave this to me. So it's not mine. I didn't make it up. I'm delivering to you what I also received by Jesus. And I deliver it to you as a first importance. Paul delivered a core set of truths first importance translates a phrase meaning literally among the foremost. So they're the foremost they're the foremost for Paul, they're the foremost for Corinth, they need to be the foremost for us. And he's not saying that there are no other truths worthy of knowing there are no other truths that we shouldn't plumb the depths of. He's saying But of all the truths that you know these, these are the foremost to my mind, he's referring to two things consistency and calibration, consistency and calibration. The foremost truths must get our consistent attention or overarching attention. They should be consistent in our conversation. But of all the truths I think about singing about right about talking about regulate my life by it should be these foremost. Paul proves this kind Think to us, he steps into Corinth. There are many experts in Greek philosophy. He was undoubtedly aware and probably able to go toe to toe with the Epicureans with the Platanus, with arysta tilian logic, he probably could go toe to toe with all of it. But he says, I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And if we're talking about wisdom, that's wisdom. Foremost

    he came knowing that one thing, and that one thing was absolutely at odds with Greek philosophy and the pride of it, and he wants to kick the legs out from under a stool. I'm coming to you with Christ crucified. The second is calibration, calibration, tuning. You know, piano, if a piano tuner comes, he's got a set of tools. And he goes to our grand piano. And if he goes with the same set of tuning forks and tools to another piano, he's going to tune it to that piano. And if you ever need to put one piano in the room with another piano, if they're both tuned by the same tools, they're going to sound in tune with each other. See how we need to think of these essential elements of the gospel with the whole of the Bible's teaching keeps everything in tune, as well as your whole life, your life, your purpose needs to be tuned to this. What's coming in the future needs to be tuned to this calibrated. So it gets to the truths. Alright, foremost, these two things, the death of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, the core of the gospel, that Christ died. Look at verse three, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures. And I can't assume this is we're here, the word Christ. What do you think the word Christ means? What do you what do you think it means?

    According the Old Testament, and the New Testament, Christ refers to the promised King and Messiah who would return or come to who had come to the earth with a rod of iron to shatter his enemies, or a staff of comfort with which to rescue his lambs. Messiah is coming to reign. He is King, Daniel seven, he is going to be king of kings, Lord of lords, Lord over the nation's Christ, the promised King from the Old Testament. Psalm two Psalm 110, promised King coming to rule He will judge and he will rule. Yeah, Joseph is adopted father, a humble carpenter. But Jesus is Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords. That Christ and this is where if you understand who Christ is, in the Old Testament, this is where you go, what mean all the Jews did. Because this was atonement, Christ died for our sins, the promised Redeemer King judge, the one with a rod of iron ready to shatter the nation's died for our sins. Why was this necessary all of us have rebelled against God, we're therefore alienated from God. We're under the just wrath of God. I know that is not a popular message. It's it's hard to embrace message. But given that we're His creatures, and he's our Creator, and he has the right to rule us when we rebel against him. He has the right to judge us to be angry with our rebellion and judge us in wrath. Maybe just to help you have some kind of relationship to this understanding of wrath. A couple of years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. We have a number of Ukrainian immigrants refugees who are here. Ukraine, took up arms and fought against Russia and is fighting against Russia. Shot, killing Russians who are trying to kill them. And we all think that's good you go. They're trying to kill you. God is King and ruler and there has been a rebellion. And God has right to throw his just wrath on to rebellious mankind. And here we see Christ died for our sins that for is on your behalf. And so we're talking about substitutionary atonement. So all the rebels, who would trust him, all the rebels. Jesus takes on that human flesh, he gets betrayed, he gets arrested, he is abandoned. He is brutally crucified by the people who should love him. And it's overseen by the Romans and on the cross. Jesus bares the wrath of God in the place of sinners.

    The King of Kings and Lord of lords did that for your forgiveness.

    Mind blowing, the greatest problem of man is the just wrath of God, and God Himself in the person of Jesus took it in our place. Notice this isn't this isn't wasn't a new teaching for Paul. This is in accordance with the Scriptures. This accordance with the Scriptures happens two times once talking about the death, one's talking about the resurrection. And Paul is referring to Old Testament teaching and prediction about the coming work of the Messiah. Paul assumed that the scriptures were inerrant God breathed, inspired and authoritative and that they plainly spoke of Christ's death and resurrection. I often am reminded of the scene in Luke 24, at the end of Luke 24, where Jesus appears to these disciples who are going to amaze us about a two two and a half hour walk and he explains to them all of the Old Testament passages related with his death and resurrection, how would have loved to be at that sermon. I'm just gonna give you a handful, Genesis 315, after Satan deceives Eve and Eve says it's his fault. It is kind of his fault. He says to Satan. He will bruise His heel, but he will crush your head. I mean, there's going to be a bruising, there's going to be some damage done by Satan, Genesis 15. There's this great promise between God and Abraham called the covenant, this Abrahamic Covenant was set up was set up where they were going to have a promised relationship where all the blessings that were given to Abraham a land of people, a blessing all of these promises from Genesis 12. It's like we're gonna establish a formal covenant. One of the things to establish the formal covenant was good a bunch of animals, specific animals, kill them, cut them in half, and said, half the row on this side, half the row on this way, creating a path to walk between dead animals, and an extra covenant like this. The King and the subject or the two parties would walk side by side together, saying to each other, if I stop loving you, you can do this to me. Both parties say that God puts Abraham to sleep. And God walks through those saying, If Abraham violates his side of the Covenant, I will die. In Genesis 15, God determined to rent asunder his son to fulfill the promise to Abraham. I mean, I could go on as the storyline unfolds. This was the symbol for everybody who went to the New Testament live, right? What what is this one? What's that symbol? Passover, the painting of the blood, because when God was going to rescue Egypt and an angel of the Lord was to come, those who are protected would put blood on the doorposts and the angel of death would pass over And in communion every week, we celebrate the Jesus as the final Passover lamb, and on and on. It goes through this as the clearest one is going to come in Isaiah 53, five and six, talking about Messiah who was going to come. He says, this is the one who is going to come with a rod of iron. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace. And with his wounds, we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way. And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of a Saul, Isaiah predicted this. This is what Messiah must do. And Jesus was born, he had a real body, it really died, puppets in here and was buried. So you know, this wasn't any ethereal spirit. We had a real body, he really died. He was really buried. So the atoning work of Christ needs to be foremost in your thinking, you know, the justice of God, you know the wrath of God, you know, the mercy and compassion and the love of God through the gospel. How bad are your sins, the ones you committed this week? Bye bad enough that Jesus had to be crucified for them.

    He had to undergo cruel Roman torture and the wrath of his father could go on. And the daily Lord's prayer we say forgive us our sins, our debts as we forgive our debtors, those who sin against us to deal with I think the issue of bitterness every time we're offended. Every time somebody does something we perceive as wrong. Forgive our my sins. Why? Why can we ask for because Christ is paid for them. You're bitter thinking about the hurt done to you can only be properly dealt with when you think of Christ's forgiveness for your current sins. If you want to, if you want to unpack that. Get the gospel primer. Primer by on blinking out Axia space Brian Vincent. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Looking into second element versus death, seconds resurrection, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scripture that he appeared to Sefa. So not only was he raised, but people saw him raised just as important as it was for him to be dead and buried. It's important for him to be raised and then seen or witnessed. And this was also according to the Scriptures. His body really did rise. He wasn't just a ghost. Paul is going to expound on the implications from verse 12. On I just want to touch on a few of the Old Testament verses in date in Psalm 16, verse 10, David speaking prophetically of the Messiah, He says, For you will not abandon my soul to Sheel or let your Holy One see corruption. David certainly did was buried and he did see corruption. He was speaking of the Holy One, the Messiah who was to come, he's going to be resurrected, He won't rot away in a tomb. Psalm 110, one through four by necessary implication if the Messiah was to be killed and yet redeem a judge and rule the nation's he must be raised. Someone 10 says, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool, that talks about an exultation. It talks about a resurrection exaltation, so that Jesus could sit at the right hand of the throne of God, verse four, the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. No mere mortal can be a priest forever. And Jesus is resurrected Isaiah 5310. We looked at Isaiah 53, five and six promises that Messiah who is killed will see the fruit of his death. See it with ice. Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him he has put Him to grief. The after his soul makes an offering for guilt he shall see his offspring he shall prolong his days the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, the promised sacrificial lamb Redeemer King and judge, if he is going to be the Glorious One who is going to rain will be raised he will see the fruit, you will see the offspring that come. And I think one of the very powerful ones is in the book of Zechariah, talking about who's going to see him, Jesus is going to return in glory to Israel, we would call it the second coming, and people will see him listen to Zechariah 1210. It says, I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy. People are gonna say, Have mercy on us have mercy on us so that when they look on me, God's saying this on him whom they have pierced. So Jesus has to be saying these words, they shall mourn for him. Revelation one, I think his first nine quotes this verse. The one who's going to come back has been raised in a body, and people will see him. There's so many things, why this is important. The resurrection is necessary, the necessary proof that the sacrifice of the Son of God was accepted. If you wouldn't have been raised, we wouldn't know if it was good enough. payments made in full justifications properly applied. Look, Jesus has risen from the dead. Jesus really did pay the price. And so I have to say, friend, if you are here, and you have not received Him, welcomed him, submitted him submitted to Christ rule in your life, I would urge you to do it today. Christ the King was crucified for your sins, He was raised from the dead to rain. His resurrection means that you can be forgiven once for all. And it means he's coming back to retake what is his and judge you for your rejection. If you remain hard artists or don't do that, he will come and glory he will judge the nation's. This is the time this is the time where you can respond to the grace and mercy of God. This is the time Romans 10, nine and 10. So if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved for what the heart one believes and is justified and with a mouth one confesses and is saved, rescued. Now of course, there's more Jesus resurrection victory over Satan Jesus resurrection is victory over death. Jesus resurrection proves that there is a resurrection body and I am so excited about a resurrection body. And it is, it is the promise of the future resurrection of a cursed planet. Romans 823 says the creation itself is longing to be freed from this curse. So these two the death and resurrection of Christ are the foremost truths of the gospel. They're not all the truths, but they are the truths that must consistently occupy our hearts and then calibrate our doctrine of character and life. Problem models this throughout the letter, two passages, we have time for two passages turn back to the beginning. Turn back to the beginning. One four through nine. Remember, he's preached the gospel, he's confident that these are believers, although they have a lot of the world still in them. They're so often marked more by the world around them than they are by the gospel. He's still as confident. But I want you to see how he right from the start begin gives them hope in their suffering and hope. In there. Temptation. Says so even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you then to verse six or seven, so that you are not lacking in any gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Christ is a Senate remember, the early church had a statement that summarized their truth about the gospel of Christ has died, Christ is risen Christ will come again. Want to know everything I believe about Jesus that can be summed up Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. That's good news. There's a day when he's coming back. And he will sustain you to the end guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. guiltless the justification is going to stand. When God looks at your life, and all of the failings and all of the sins and they are listed out on this roll that just seems to go on and on and on at the final judgment, it will go and it'll be as long as your life is, but he will look to Jesus. And He will say paid in full, you are guiltless.

    God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Here's a MacArthur quote from the sermon. I heard him say On Friday night, if God has already given us the harder thing, the more difficult thing, His Son to die. Will he not give us the easier thing by preserving our faith and keeping us believing? That's a promise of the gospel. That's a hope against temptation and suffering. The second one has to do with sexual ethics, Christ's likeness in sexual purity, jump over to First Corinthians six nine through 11 chapter five and chapter six deal extensively with with sexual sin. And it's always anchored in the realities of the gospel. Listen to this now, do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Yeah, there's gonna be a judgment. They're in rebellion. They're lawbreakers. Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor revisers. nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God, yikes. They're going to they're not going to inherit the kingdom, they're going to inherit eternal separation and like a fire. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of our spirit. So you shouldn't live in those things any more. Say amen. To that, please. guy wants to say the big Amen. I will want those guys to say the big Amen, to say that I'm not going to commit those sins anymore.

    Down to 613 skin, how linked to the realities of the Gospel for the body is not meant for sexual immorality or pornography. Right, not meant for any of that, but for the Lord and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. You could say no to all those fleshly temptations that you ever experienced, because there are greater pleasures, in God's presence that are coming home, but it's so hard to not give into my flesh and all the pleasures that I want. Well, I just want to tell you there are greater pleasures in the presence of God and your glorified body than you could ever imagine this earth. So abstain. Verse 20, you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body, you could see how Paul even takes sexual ethics and he anchors it in Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. They're anchored in it. You're gonna have to navigate hundreds of issues in your lives.

    To truth shape it Christ's death, Christ's resurrection. Don't become an evangelist for anything else than the gospel. Not a diet, not a sports team, not a health choice, not a marriage practice. We don't evangelize those things. There are not our standing and righteousness.

    There are good practices. There are healthier diets than others. But this needs to be central this needs to calibrate what we do. It's not an who you align yourself with as a famous preacher, teacher, theologian. It's, it's aligning yourself with Christ and His gospel.

    We need to keep this central it will transform us, we will be more Christ like we will have good news to share the tip of our tongue with those who are not yet in the kingdom. Let's pray. Father, thank You that this this is such a powerful word for us. I need it so badly. So many things that I usually get excited about and devoted to but this is first importance. This is central. I pray for all of us here as many there are things there are to either enjoy, or to succumb to and sin. There's many of those here in this world. Let this be what rescues us day by day. But this Gospel be what rescues us help us be eager and loving obedience to the Christ who died and rose on our behalf so that we could represent Him to the world. We asked this in Christ's name, Amen.

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Dan Jarms

Dr. Dan Jarms is teaching pastor and team leader at Faith Bible Church in Spokane Washington, as well as associate dean at The Master's Seminary in Spokane. He has been married for over 30 years to Linda, and has three adult children. He earned his B.A. in English at the Master’s College, B.Ed. at Eastern Washington University, M.Div and D.Min in Expository Preaching at The Master’s Seminary. His other interests include NCAA basketball, woodworking, and art.

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