
Two Questions to ‘Level the Playing Field’

Posted by Jared Millican on December 4, 2022
Two Questions to ‘Level the Playing Field’
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Trying to ‘date well’ can feel like navigating a hot air balloon through the depths of the Grand Canyon… blindfolded. And sometimes it feels like there are more questions and opinions on the matter than fish in the sea! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could move forward in confidence, even without all your questions perfectly answered? Well, there is a way. And, yes, it still requires faith. It requires trust. And it requires obedience. But thankfully it’s God’s wisdom and goodness, not man’s opinions or your ‘gut’ you need to trust. God’s word shows us two foundational questions we must answer in the affirmative if we are to move forward joyfully and obediently with faith and trust in any area of life! In this case, let’s see how these two questions apply to the topic of ‘dating.’

Jared Millican

Former college pastor at Faith, Jared and his family are currently preparing to move to the Czech Republic and work as global outreach partners in 2024. He and his wife, Claire, have three children.

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