Short-Term Teams

While Faith Bible Church primarily focuses on long-term outreach partners who plant and build up local churches, we also send short-term teams of members to assist them. In recent years, teams and individuals have been sent to Spain, England, the Czech Republic, and Southeast Asia. Short-term teams have several strategic benefits for global outreach:

  • Partnership: Short-term teams can create “Gospel noise” through events that facilitate new relationships and opportunities for relationships for long-term workers.
  • Discipleship: Short-term workers can disciple and be discipled by the believers where they’re sent. Some can help with specific equipping and teaching opportunities.
  • Learning to Love: The learning that happens for participants in short-term teams has great value for growing their hearts for the least reached peoples of the world.

Apply for 2025

Summer 2025 Teams

Southeast Asia

For 2025 we have one summer global outreach team planned, the Southeast Asia team. 

The Southeast Asia team will work from a missional hub where expatriates and nationals work together to disciple unreached people in their villages. From the hub you will go live in a village of an unreached people group for 2-3 days, probably two different times. Team members need to be okay with using squatty potties, sitting on the floor, sleeping on the floor, eating lots of rice and fish, and being in very hot and humid environments.


  • Dates: July 25-August 7
  • Cost: Approximately $2,500 per person depending on airfare. The church will work together to raise this amount. You will participate through contributing from your own funds as you are able as well as seeking support from others.
  • Team size: 6-8 people

Please fill out the application by February 2 and we will contact you to schedule an interview.

Apply for 2025

Other opportunities

If the Southeast Asia team does not seem to be the best fit for you, there are other options like UGM Camp, VBS and other international opportunities we would discuss with you.

Ministry Leaders
Nathan Thiry

Nathan Thiry is the Growth Groups & Outreach Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He enjoys biking and outdoor activities, and has a passion to see the gospel spread throughout our community and the whole world!

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