The Master’s Fellowship is an association of pastors and missionaries bound together by love for the Living Word, The Master, our Lord Jesus, the Church for which He died, and the bold proclamation of the exposited written word. The Fellowship’s purpose is to support the mission and leadership of the local church by connecting and networking like-minded pastors and missionaries who share core biblical convictions of doctrine and praxis.
The Master’s Fellowship is connected with the Master’s University and Seminary (TMUS) and is sponsoring various regional fellowship groups of pastors as described above across the nation.
TMF-Inland Northwest is not just for alumni of TMUS but is designed to support and encourage like-minded pastors in our region.
Dan Jarms and Ian Rush lead the Inland-Northwest Master’s Fellowship group. Our regular lunch meetings involve Bible teaching, fellowship and prayer, and promoting partnership in missions and local church endeavors.
Any pastor, pastor-in-training, elder, leader, or aspiring leader from the Inland Northwest is invited to attend our fellowship meetings. If you’d like to start receiving invites, please sign up here.
If you’d like to become an official member of TMF and be included in their church finder, you must subscribe to the Statement of Faith and Core Commitments and submit a “Membership Inquiry”, both found on The Master's Fellowship website.
From The Master's Seminary Spokane