The issue of speaking in “tongues” (or better, miraculous languages) can oftentimes be a controversial and confusing topic—but it doesn’t have to be. On Sunday I argued, from Scripture, that the gift of miraculous languages is not for today—that the Spirit is doing other—equally Christ-exalting things in the church and in the world and in human history.
Below are some helpful links from the Cripple Gate to help us think clearly and cogently about this controversial issue. Because again, the issue is not merely about right thinking—it is about right thinking that leads to right worship—the worship of the 3rd Person of the Trinity according to His role and function in the plan of salvation.
(Keywords: cessationism, cessationist, miraculous gifts)
Jerod Gilcher
Jerod is the former College Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He is now the senior pastor at Christ Community Bible Church in Arlington, Texas. He and his wife Sarah have three daughters and he enjoys learning languages, particularly ancient languages.
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