Main idea: God created everything! Worship the Creator God, who is Father, Son and Spirit, for His goodness and greatness. Worship the Creator God: He is great and good! (v. 1) Isaiah 45:7-8, 18...
In these three chapters Paul is focused on how truly spiritual people will love each other because their lives are submitted to Christ as Lord and they are using the gifts given to each Christian by the Holy Spirit. Paul is answering the questio...
Have you ever wondered why the truths of God’s Word are so compelling to some people, while to others they couldn’t be more crazy? You could say the exact same thing to identical twins who have had the same upbringing, and one of them will joy...
I hope that you have gotten a chance to join the in-person gatherings at FBC over these last few weeks! For Ashley and I, they have been so refreshing even with the extra restrictions and precautions due to the virus. But, that prompts a question....
As a part of our study of the New City Catechism we will be exploring different questions on Wednesday evenings. This week we take a look at the trinity with Question 3: How many persons are there in God? Answer: There are three persons in th...
Give thanks for faith in Christ and for the love of other believers and depend on the Spirit's ministry to cause you to understand your salvation and what it means for every aspect your life. Know the hope of God's calling, the riches of His inher...
Know Christ and Show Christ by seeking to love others in Word and Deed using the grace of God, spiritual gifts. We all have different spiritual gifts to make him known. Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:3-10, 1 Peter 4:10-11...