Main idea: Place your trust and worship in God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth. ...
A PODS Class with Jerod Gilcher
As our culture shifts in its view of human sexuality, how do we address issues such as homosexuality, gay marriage and same-sex desires in a way that is loving, Biblical and compassionate, while still presenting Gospel challenges that do not compromise God’s design for marriage and sexuality? How does the Gospel addresses this new sexual revolution?
*Parents be advised: while material is handled delicately and with discretion, certain terms and subject matters will be addressed that either might not be suitable for younger children or might require your preemptive shepherding.
Jerod is the former College Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He is now the senior pastor at Christ Community Bible Church in Arlington, Texas. He and his wife Sarah have three daughters and he enjoys learning languages, particularly ancient languages.
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