Upcoming sermon: Audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: Place your trust and worship in God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth. ...
Don’t stop fighting –
Even if you feel like
The most broken soul
That ever was.
Don’t stop gripping on
To fragile hope,
Its flame feebly flickering
In the darkest night.
Don’t stop whispering
Desperate prayers
Of a lonely and hollow heart
Pounding rhythms of pain.
For even when
The ghost of tears
Lingers behind
Solemn eyes –
Even when
The smile
Won’t be etched
Into lips of stone –
Even when
The thoughts
Won’t be tamed
With optimism –
There is value
To your fighting,
My love.
There is value
In you not giving up
Or giving in,
Despite all your weariness.
There is value
In running to Scripture –
Its promises holding fast
When you can’t anymore.
Your fragile, dust-like faith
Might feel paper-thin,
Blown about by heavy winds
And slammed by wild storms.
But this is part of our
“Inward groaning”
As we wait eagerly
For the redemption of our bodies.
Life is not as it should be.
The creation has been cursed.
And thus, it is hard.
And the battle never-ending.
But when we have fought,
With drooping eyes,
Weary Scriptures,
Faint prayers –
We are brought
To the other side,
Strengthened by
The arms of our Savior.
When the battle is over,
We find joy restored,
Peace trickling in,
And hope renewed.
But most of all –
We find that we know
The heart of Christ
More intimately
Than ever before.
For though we may not
Have known it,
He was closer to us in the fray
Than the demons –
Holding us,
Comforting us,
Strengthening us,
Guiding us.
And one day
When we stand face to face,
He will not be a surprise –
For His will be the heart
That beat with ours
Through all the darkest nights.
And He was the One
Who never stopped
Fighting for us,
When we felt hopelessly lost.
So don’t stop fighting,
Oh weary soul.
“Weeping may endure
For a night,
But joy cometh
In the morning.”
It will be worth it in the end.
Lydia is a teacher, poet, and blogger, who serves various ministries here at Faith. You can read more of her writing and subscribe to her blog at lydiakinne.com.
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