Main Idea: Walk with God; His promises are sure. Respond appropriately to God’s Word (v. 4-9). Depend on God’s faithfulness to His own Word (v. 10-20). ...
As a teenager growing up in a Lutheran church in Iowa, I enjoyed serving as an acolyte, which is a person who lights the candles at the front of the church as the service begins and extinguishes them at the end. It was a formal proces...
Main idea: Set your heart today on the time Jesus will personally reign over every nation. ...
Main idea: Trust Christ who endured the most hateful outburst and humble childhood. ...
About this time every year, I descend into the storage room in my basement in search of a box of plastic Easter eggs, many of them in two pieces, so that we can begin to assemble them for the grand Easter egg hunt to take place after worship on Ea...
North Americans tell their children that Santa Claus delivers their Christmas gifts. Latin Americans give credit to “el niño Jesús” (the baby Jesus). Christmas tradition in Spain maintains that “los tres Reyes Magos” (the three wise men)...