Main idea: (Re)fuel your faith by examining the foundations of God's great promise to Abram. Believe God’s grace for the world (11:27-32)Ephesians 2:3-5 Listen to the Lord’s word (12:1) ...
Main idea: Live by faith in God’s promise of salvation as you see His judgment coming.
let's stand for the reading of God's Word. We're going to be reading Genesis chapter six, nine through 22 and the Genesis six through nine is the great flood account, the flood of Noah's era. And if you're brand new to Christianity, and all you've seen is russell crowe's book or movie on on Noah, it's nothing like that movie. So what you're going to read is nothing like that. And this is the accurate account, very powerful account, of Noah getting ready for the flood. So let's read it and hear what God has to say to us today. From it, these are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. And Noah had three sons, Shem Ham and Japheth. Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt. For all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the with the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood. Make rooms in the ark and cover it inside and out with pitch. This is how you were to make it the length of the ark, 300 cubits its breadth, 50 cubits its height, 30 cubits. Make a roof for the Ark and finish it into a cubit above, and set the door of the ark on its in its side, make it with lower second and third decks. For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth shall die, but I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark. You your sons, your wife, your sons, wives with you, every living thing of all flesh. You shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female of the birds according to their kinds of the animals, according to their kinds of every creeping thing of the ground, according to its kind two of every sort shall come into you to keep them alive. Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten and store it up it shall serve as food for you and for them. Noah did this. He did all that God commanded him. This is the word of the Lord, our God and Father. Thank you for giving us your word. We do. Thank you. We respond in praise, and we would pray that You would help us see Your Holiness, your grandeur, your righteousness, your just judgment, we would be a miserable people if we lived eternally and in a corrupt and brutal and violent world. But you have promised a new world, then you promise a new world now, and we thank you for that as we think ahead to what is to come a final judgment. I pray that You would help us learn lessons here in Genesis six, that prepare us for what is to come in Revelation. 20, we pray that You would help us be a people that are in awe of you, fear you recognize your holiness and call on you for grace, following you. We want to follow in the footsteps of the great patriarchs like Noah, who, in faith and righteousness, sought to please you and obey you. We do pray that You would help the people in our church who are suffering in sickness, we pray that You would give comfort. We pray for those who are suffering in sin of their own consequences, that you would bring them repentance and restoration. We pray for churches around our city this, this message of the gospel needs to go out and help, help the churches in our city be faithful to this. I think of lamp stand Church on the South Hill that you would help Eric and their elders, their congregation, Preach it by their lives and by the gospel itself. We ask all this in Christ's name. Amen, you may be seated 10 years or so, Brian and Michelle Sayers moved to Spokane. We had just hired Brian as our counseling pastor, our discipleship pastor, and he was coming from New England, where they get lots of snow. He texted me as he's loading the moving van, not really having any room for a few last things. He says, Well, I need my snow blower. I'm kind of. Thinking maybe, but I said, Nah, you'll be fine. I mean, it it every once in a while it snows a lot, but, you know, that's what shovels are for. So he moves, and of course, that very year that he moves years is one of the high snow years of Spokane like this is a low snow year. Last year was a low snow year, but that was a high snow year. He texts me and he says, won't need my snow blower. A I totally blew the advice was bad advice. He should have left mattresses and taken the snow blower. I mean, Spokane, you never really know what the winter is going to be like. But all of us prepare at some level. We all prepare for weather at some level. When we turn to Genesis six, it is the greatest weather event that has ever happened on the earth. That's what Genesis six promises. Genesis seven is the great event called the great flood. And that weather event was just not a weather event. It was a global judgment by God on the earth itself. And God, by His grace, for 100 years, gave a warning to everyone. Only Noah and his family listened to the warning they were not ready for the great event to come. His family believed they acted and they were saved, along with every animal, two of two, of every kind. In chapter five, we saw how we were to live this life with the certainty of death. Remember chapter five, repeated refrain and he died. The first part of chapter six showed us how to live with the certainty of judgment. Chapter six shows us how to live with the offer of salvation. The offer of salvation is sitting there and available. The reality of judgment is coming. How do we live the big idea as we look at Noah and his sons and their family is to live by faith in God's promise of salvation. As you see the judgment coming, there is a judgment coming Israel, who first got this is in the is in the land of Moab, ready to cross into the promised land. They have been bound to God in a covenant, and God said, If you violate your covenant, I will punish you or judge you. And they had been doing it for 40 years in the wilderness. And we know Israel's record. They really had a hard time believing judgment was coming. Over and over. They kept falling into sin. God gave them Genesis six, and they kept ignoring the reality of God's judgment. They could read Genesis six. What's God going to do? He is going to do what he says. His righteousness and His justice must shine forth, even after a period of patience. We're a lot further along the story, aren't we? So the judgment has happened. The flood has happened. Jesus Christ has come. The greatest problem people have isn't death or a physical judgment on Earth. Is it that's not the greatest problem. The greatest problem is a final judgment of every soul that in Revelation chapter 20 is called the Great White Throne Judgment. God will resurrect all people, and they will stand before a tribunal, and God will display for all to see those who wanted to worship and trust something created rather than the Creator, those who wanted something other than the Creator, their life will get something other than their Creator, eternal separation and a lake of fire forever. But those who want their Creator, trust their Creator and trust the creator's provision. Jesus Christ will get him and a new heavens and a new earth. The flood at the time of Noah is a kind of pattern set for the final judgment. Noah and his family took God's offer of salvation, and they prepared for the judgment and got on the ark. We have something greater than the Ark Jesus Christ, are we taking God's offer of salvation, preparing for the judgment? This is the question. I mean, I think Noah and his sons, why and the wives? There's this question for us as we look ahead to the great. Judgment. What about you? What about you
kids? What about you teens? What about you families, singles, Jesus and the apostles have warned us all about the great judgment to come. Are you believing God's promise of salvation and preparing for the coming judgment. Genesis sets this clear pattern for saving faith in order to prepare for judgment, I want you to see it. Let's just quickly review. Go back to chapter three. Put your finger on 315 follow the order Adam and Eve think that they can have their own standard of righteousness. That's what eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was we can live our life the way we want. We don't need God telling us what to do. They sin, and before he announces a punishment to them, which he promised he would do, before the punishment, he gives them a promise, through the curse on Satan, verse 15, I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring. Here's the promise, He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. This offspring will destroy Satan, and Satan is going to bruise the heel of this offspring, then that bruising is going to be the death of that offspring. But that death of the offspring will actually be the instrument to destroy satan. That's what the cross is. The promise is given follow it before the punishments. Promise of salvation before punishments. Now there are curses, there are consequences, but in chapter four, we see that Cain and Abel somehow knew that they were to be offering sacrifices. They knew something costly must be given in order to have a relationship with the Creator. Abel brought first born of his flock, somebody, something must die. Cain brought something from the ground, very costly. Sadly, we know how that story ends. Cain kills his brother. Cain has a line of children, and at the end of chapter four, the descendants of Cain are violent, boastful and arrogant people, and somehow the line of Seth emerges Adam's next listed son, and they say, We are in trouble. We look at the world and we're in trouble. And it says at that time, people began to call on the name of the Lord, promise, sacrifice, calling on the name of the Lord. And then we looked at Enoch, and in 521, we find this one person who only lived 365, years, God rescued him earlier. He walked with God. He communed with God. He listened to God as God spoke to him. He talked to God about everything he needed, everything that was going on. He walked with God. It's very clear pattern of what salvation is, recognizing the promise, recognize the need for sacrifice, calling on God and walking with Him. Now we come to Noah. We add one more thing, verse eight, Noah found favor. In the eyes of the Lord. Noah found favor. He was given grace. Put it all together, who does God save? Who does God save? God gives grace to sinners. So they believe the promise of a savior. They call on him for salvation, and they walk with him, and then they grow in faith and bear fruit. So as we come to chapter six, we want to summarize it this way, live by faith in God's promise of salvation as you see judgment coming. How do we do that? Four ways. Four ways to do that. We look at Noah, the commands he's given and the response that he takes. We watch it. So first, look at the fruit of your faith. Look at the fruit of your faith. How do you live by faith in this promise of God's salvation? Remember, this is a long ways off for Noah. We'll know later in the text, it's 100 years. It's a long ways off for Noah, so look at the fruit of your faith. Saving faith always produces fruit. Now if you're newer to the Bible, if you're just joining us, here's what we mean by that, when you trust in God, you turn from your sin in repentance to God. God and you trust Him. God is changing you and changing your internal moral standards and your outward behavior and your relationship. There are results in conduct in the world for having a saving faith. Noah manifests these. In fact, Noah is one of the great righteous patriarchs, not perfect, but he is one of these great patriarchs. This is verse nine. These are the generations of Noah. We have a new set of a new storyline. It's the next one of the generation statements. This is what's going to become of Noah. We heard what was going to come of Adam, starting in chapter five. Yeah, it's the end of chapter six, or the middle of chapter six. Everybody was evil. Is this going to be different? Well, yeah, it's going to be different. Is it going to be perfect? No, but it's going to be different. These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation, Noah walked with God. This is the fruit of the grace and faith. Noah had the grace God gave him the faith that he demonstrated.
God had grace on Noah, somebody sent me this great quote by RC Sproul. He's a late pastor. He says, true faith always produces real conformity to Christ. If justification happens, then sanctification surely will follow. That is being more like Jesus more holy. If there is no sanctification, it means there never was any justification. We see the fruit of this grace and faith. So what are these three? I would circle them. Noah was a righteous man, which is often translated as upright. This righteousness is an internal guiding principle. It's a righteousness that sees God's command, sees his moral character, sees what God is calling him to do, and desires to be right before God righteous. God is right, his rules are right, and a righteous person seeks to follow from the heart God's righteous ways. He was a righteous man. It says he was blameless in his generation. This word blameless doesn't mean sinless. It is really the idea of complete or mature. And what you have to see is he was blameless in his generation. What was his generation like? I mean, think about the generation of Noah. Think about what he and his sons had to live in for culture. I mean, you think, you think your world is corrupt at times like you like. Think of the generation of Noah, how God described it. It was corrupt. It was violent. The thoughts of of mankind were only evil continually. And Noah lived an upright or blameless life, and the blameless is really toward his generation. So his internal compass, his moral compass, was righteous, which produced righteous behavior and a disposition which showed up in things like not participating in the corruption of the world. It showed up in not retaliating and revenge. It showed up in a variety of things that would be holiness or righteousness. We're going to see Noah sin later. So it's not sinlessness, but it is a maturity, a blamelessness. All the generation, all 100 years, could see that Noah was a man whose faith was demonstrated toward God by how he treated the people in the world and how he walked before God says He, like Enoch, walked with God. So there's, there's the three, internal character, external behavior and a ongoing relationship, described as a walk with God. We talked about this before, if we're going to just say, the simplest way to talk about a walk with God, it is a regular, ongoing through life hearing from God, talking to God, obeying God. You want to know what walking with God is, hearing from God talking to God and obeying God is not all there is. There's a component of worship. There is a component of thankfulness. There is a component of love toward mankind. All of those are going to go together in this, but he was walking with God. So saving faith has both root and fruit. There will always be real world manifestations of it. Now saying that I want to be crystal clear, because the natural tendency of the human heart is to add a phrase to righteous, blameless and walking. It's to add the phrase or the word, enough, righteous, enough, blameless, enough, walking with God enough, which immediately turns into things we do to make God happy with us, things we do to earn our way into salvation. I mean, it's not like this. Here's a little baking illustration. You've got your glass, one cup pyrex measuring cup, and your your recipe that you're making requires one cup of oil, and you're taking and you're filling in the cup until it raises to the one cup line. There it is. There's one cup. That's not what God is doing with you. You will be saved if we get the righteousness, the blamelessness and enough hours in prayer and Bible study in ah, we finally got it, guys. Oh, finally I'll save them. That's not what we're talking about. Salvation by God is by faith in His promise having the whole of the Bible in his son. Repentance is a version of faith where you stop trusting what you're getting out of your sin, and you start trusting what you need in Christ. So you leave sin to Christ, because your faith is in him. But God's not looking for enough. He is looking for faith, and faith will grow. Hebrews 11, seven just talks about this exact thing he's this is at the end of the book of Hebrews. There is this line of men and women who express godly faith. 11, seven says, By faith, Noah being warned by God concerning events. Yes, yet unseen. I've never seen a judgment before. I've never seen a flood before. I'm going to believe though the news about a flood being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear, constructed an ark for the saving of his household, and by this, he condemned the world. It became a sermon that they didn't want to listen to, and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. Where does faith? Where does righteousness come from? Well, it begins by trusting God. This is going to be crystal clear when we get to Genesis 15, saying Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness, that righteousness in His manifest manifests in daily, ongoing living. Today, you and I know there's a final judgment coming. We know that from a variety of scriptures, from the New Testament, we know that there's also a promise to escape the final judgment through Jesus. Christ. Jesus was the one who was fully obedient. He was the full and final sacrifice. I mean, in comparison, you have an ark that carried a family and a whole bunch of animals. But what we have in Jesus is one man who bore the wrath of God for all who would believe in Him, and He is the complete and full savior.
His death, His resurrection. Made the payment. He rose from the dead. He gave Satan a death blow, and he is also the one who is returning from heaven as acts 1042, says to judge the living and the dead, Jesus saves people from Final Judgment who save from their heart. I'm a sinner. You're a holy God. I turn from my sin, and I'm calling on you to save me. Have mercy on me. And if you have not done that, don't wait. Do it right now. Call on Him. Peter made a promise, all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved you.
If you have trusted Christ like that, be encouraged continue to follow until the day of your death and the day of His return. Happens. If you haven't, there's someone who. You today, somebody near you, someone down the road, who would love to talk about that. There's going to be somebody at the Information Center who would love to talk to you about that. Look at your heart. Is there? Is there evidence or fruit of faith like there was in Noah's life? Second, take sin seriously. Take seriously God's perspective on it. Verse 11, we have Noah. Now we have the Earth. This is the earth was corrupt in God's sight. The earth was filled with violence. God saw that the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. What was the earth like? It was corrupt three times, like, just in case you don't get it. I mean, the Bible doesn't give you a lot of information, but when it gives you a repeated information, we can, we can pay attention. Along with Genesis six, four that we looked at last week, all the thoughts and intentions of man were only evil continually. Even the animals seem to be part of the corrupted flesh. We don't know why. We don't know what, but it says this in verse 13, God said to know, I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Something had gone crazy, even in the animals, so to speak,
history of the Bible, Israel would fail to pay attention, given the law at Mount Sinai, given the promise of disciplinary judgment. As a nation, if they wandered back into sin or idolatry, they ignored. Jump ahead to the Book of Leviticus, chapter 26 or Deuteronomy. 28 through 30 God gives double the amounts of warnings as he does blessings, because everybody assumes the blessings you watch. You watch everybody giving thanks on a football team after they advanced in the playoffs, they don't go interview the team that lost that gives glory for the loss. Hey, you guys just lost. What do you want to say? I give glory to God for our loss? No, there's an assumed of blessing. God's going to bless us. Doesn't matter. There are some genuinely saved football players, but there is a weird culture. It's just normal American culture that we assume the blessing. So God has to give us warnings, and a lot of them,
there is a disciplinary judgment or an evaluative judgment, even coming for Christians. Are you paying attention to this? First Corinthians, 313, through 15 says this, each one's work will become manifest for the day will disclose it. That day is a capital D Day in the ESV, it's the day of judgment or evaluation, because it will be revealed by fire. The fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only through fire when you trust Christ, he really saves you, and He saves you for eternity. But there is a day that you are going to stand before God, and your your life is going to be present before him, and like a fire that burns away all the the corruption, the only thing will be left is what is by faith and what will there be loss for everything else? He says in Second Corinthians, five, nine. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil, there's an evaluation. At that great day of evaluation, I've said it before, you will find out everything that you need to do to thank Jesus for all the sins that he has covered by his death. It will be a glorious day of praise to Him for forgiving you, but it will also be a moment where you see all that you've done that was worthless.
Are you preparing for that? Are you taking that seriously and for Paul says Romans, 323, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Have you trusted Christ? And having trusted Christ, have you now set your life on a trajectory to please Him, knowing that there's an evaluation day coming, third marvel at God's Mead, means of salvation. So we see the perspective on sin before that we see faith we come to then this means of salvation. And it's really the directions about the ark. The Ark is a marvel. Is it not what God does with Noah's Ark is a marvel. You all want to talk about it. We all want to think about were there Dinosaurs On It? Little ones. But, I mean, it's a really big boat, so let's take a look at what he did. Says, make it. Make yourself an arc of gopher wood. Nobody has a clue what gopher wood is. What is gopher wood? I don't know. Nobody knows. Good guess cedar, because 1000 year old cedar tree could be really big with really long planks. It might be a really good thing to do. We don't know, go make yourself an ark of gopher wood. It's going to be durable. Make rooms in the ark. Cover it inside and out with pitch. This is how you are to make it and then we get the directions, 300 cubits, 50 cubits, 30 cubits. But let me just simplify it for you. Take this auditorium. Go that way, four auditoriums long, this current auditorium wide. So think about it. Here's the auditorium this width, four long and two auditoriums high to the roof. So that's 45 feet, 75 feet, 430, or 40 feet, 450, feet, depending on the technical dimensions of a cubit. It's huge. It's a marvel. Imagine somebody our preaching prep Gary Morgan says, so help everybody understand this. Imagine you were talked to by God, and immediately the old folks in us, you know, because a bunch of old guys in the room go Noah, the Bill Cosby skit, talking to Noah. What? Noah, who said that it's the Lord Noah? I mean, imagine that it's like, Gary is like, great. Thanks for ruining my illustration. But let's if you were told to build this ark on five mile prairie because there's a flood coming that's going to go higher than all the mountains around us, to destroy every living thing, that would be a significant step of faith.
This is a marvel. I mean, it's such a marvel that skeptics dismiss the Bible out of hand imagining the primitive, primitive men primitive equipment is unable to make such a ship. But we say it over and over, they're so close to the original creation. They had technology, and they lived a very long time to develop it. These Noah and his sons seem to be the only workers on it. It's going to take them 100 years to build it, but they had to be loggers. Saw yours. Those are the people who cut it into planks. They had to be the craftsmans they had. They had to figure out how to haul these huge trees, make the slabs out of the wood, manufacture the iron and Smith things so that they can use nails so they can do all of the things that they needed to do. This is an extraordinary Marvel. You Yeah,
people devote a lot of attention to searching for it, and I always find it fascinating that people need to go find it. I work a lot with wood, and I know a lot of you guys do construction and reconstruction. Most wood doesn't last that long. Why are we going to the top of a mountain where it rains a lot and snows a lot, 1000s of years later, trying to find an ark? All right, if you do, that's great, and if it's really there, that's also great. But I have the Bible, and that's enough. It's a Bible. I have enough. There is a replica of the ark in Kentucky. A number of you have visited it, and it's a marvel. It's cool to see in some ways, it strengthens your faith, like, oh, it could really happen. But I want you to know there's something more marvelous than the ark. The ark was huge, but the way God chose to save you and me from the final judgment to bring us into a new heavens and a new earth. The Marvel there is that God took on human flesh. And all of the limits lived more obediently, perfectly obedient, unlike Noah and anyone else was crucified and on the third day, was raised from the dead. And it's not just eight people who were saved by Him. When we get to Revelation. There is going to be a scene in chapter five where it's like myriads upon myriads and myriads upon myriads. These are 10,000 times 10,000 times 10,000 I mean, the number is easily into the billions out of all the billions that have ever lived on the face of the earth. God is going to sit. God is saving. The real Marvel is not the ark. The real Marvel is that Jesus Christ has come and as the picture of baptism that Nathan talked about and illustrated, that Jesus was submerged under the wrath of God and paid the full price, and he was killed, and he was raised from the dead out of the wrath of God to grant new life and bring a new creation. And we marvel at the ark, marvel at Jesus and what He is bringing in the end, we need to marvel at that. There's another sort of side note of marveling. Noah and his family were the instruments God used to build the ark and to bring in the rest of the animals, the two of a kind, that were saved, were fed, were gathered, were put on the ark. There were human instruments. There is human means that God ordained to bring this there is human means involved in bringing this salvation to the world that we have. And it's by our speaking, and it's by our life.
Romans, 10 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ, and how shall they believe? If there is not a messenger, you are God's means to bring the saving message of the gospel to this world so that Jesus can rescue and save his sheep. Second Peter two five puts an exclamation point on it, talking about Noah. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. By this, his family was saved. Which leads us to the final believe God's covenant promises. Believe God's covenant promises. Covenants are very important in the Bible. We're going to unpack this covenant when it shows up in chapter nine, but at least notice this in verse 18, I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark. You your sons, your wife, your sons wives with you. This is the first mention of the word of covenant in the bible. And covenant is a solemn commitment between two people in which both promise to meet certain obligations and both receive certain benefits. God is rescuing his people to make them a people, and they are receiving God's promises so that he will be their God. A covenant is not a contract. A contract is I agree to do X, you agree to do Y, and there's mutual benefits to us, but it's not a promise to relationship. A covenant is a promise between two parties, God and His people, in this case, the great king and his representatives, for relationship, and there is a promise to secure that relationship. God's never broken his promise to secure the relationship. We can trust this promise. He's committed to the relationship, and we're going to celebrate it in Lord's Supper. In just a few minutes, we're going to find out that it's a covenant with the creatures too, who can't really love God back. They can glorify God, but they can't do that. His job is to take all of the animals, two by two, male and female. His job is to take all of the clean kind that can be suitable for sacrifices. Seven. Then there to gather all the food that they need. And if you want to know what saving faith looks like, it's repeated, I think, five times in these sections. Noah did this, verse 22 look at verse 22 Noah did this. You. He did all that God commanded him. He did all that God commanded him. Noah would build up. Will build the ark. He'll bring in the animals. There's nothing said about sea creatures, because sea creatures can stay in the water. Let's get practical. Lynn, Noah kept believing for 100 years, he and his sons had to be the loggers, Sawyers, shipwrights, farmers, zookeepers. And Noah had to keep his sons believing while they built the carts, cut down the trees, slab them into pieces, brought them to wherever they were building it, they had to do all of this work for a 100 years, plus make their own living plus survive.
So here's this question, when I look at Noah, am i Are you a dad or a parent or an influence that walks with God in such a way that your family there, that your friends or your family sees that your faith is credible. I'm looking at Dad, I'm looking at Uncle, I'm looking at Auntie. I'm looking at whoever and they, they have a faith in Jesus, and it is a credible faith. It is godly. It is winsome, it is righteous, it is upright, it is obedient. It is loving. All the manifestations of what faith would give you fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience. Are you walking in God with such a way that your family sees the fruit of your life and is credible? And they say, I might not believe what dad believes, I might not believe what Auntie believes, but I know that they are consistent with what they believe. So whatever comes to your mind that you know is inconsistent. Ah, you have a February resolution. We all like resolutions. I have a February resolution. Let's kill that bad example that's good and honoring to the Lord and freeing for you. Are you walking with God? This walking with God? What can you do to walk with God in a more consistent way. I need to take this 15 minutes of these things that I'm doing out of my life, and I need to insert these 15 minutes of these things that I need to do in my life to walk with God. I need to put my devices away. I need to stop whatever that's distracting. I need to stop putting content in my head that's distracting me from walking and praying with God. Is your behavior, your conduct, your attitude, toward your coworkers, toward the neighbors, toward the people around you, distinctly different. They can see your love. They can see your faithfulness. It's it's fun to listen to one of our guys in our growth group who seems to be the only Christian in his his workplace, and they're all like, You're so happy and joyful, we, we You're a fake. That would be nice to be called a fake. You're so happy and joyful you can't possibly be real. No, he's got joy of the Lord is that you
could you write a list of three things? Here's a fun homework thing. It's a fun thing you could have could you compare how great the ark was with how great Jesus is? Just do that. The ark was amazing. We all want to talk about it. Yeah, dinosaurs were in there. But think of Jesus. How much greater is He? We believing those promises, even though they're they feel like a long way off. They might feel like a long way off. Are we believing those things like Noah and his sons had to believe? Let's pray, Father, we we have a warning about a greater judgment to come, and we have the promise and escape has already come and ascended in our Lord Jesus. We thank you for how much greater the Lord Jesus is than the ark, and we want to manifest the same faith that Noah did, but we have more truth help us respond to the promises in the new covenant, which we're about to celebrate in the Lord celebrate in the Lord's Supper. Help us follow the example of Noah in Christ's name.
Dr. Dan Jarms is teaching pastor and team leader at Faith Bible Church in Spokane Washington, as well as associate dean at The Master's Seminary in Spokane. He has been married for over 30 years to Linda, and has three adult children. He earned his B.A. in English at the Master’s College, B.Ed. at Eastern Washington University, M.Div and D.Min in Expository Preaching at The Master’s Seminary. His other interests include NCAA basketball, woodworking, and art.
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