Main idea: The victorious return of the King-priest commands a daily life reset. Hear the prophecy of His comingOffer your life freely(What) voluntary worship(When) at his return in power(How) in...
Trees are a reminder that God’s creation is living and powerful. We have a tree in our backyard that has grown substantially since we bought the house eight years ago. The reader will certainly notice how little I know about trees, as I...
As an image bearer of God you have a supremely valuable and meaningful existence....
God has spoken clearly. The reason that we can have confidence as we read the Bible is because God is by nature and in creation a clear communicator. God created the gift of language and gave it to Adam and Eve, but when Satan distorted the Word o...
An Echo of Covering for Shame (Genesis 2 and 3)An Echo of Appeasing God’s Wrath (Genesis 8)An Echo of Substitution for Man (Genesis 22)An Echo of Salvation through Judgment (Exodus 12)An Echo of Entering ...
We have been examining the architecture of the divine-human covenants in the Bible to see how these covenants carry forward the Bible’s storyline of God establishing His kingdom over the whole world through His chosen king. Much like all the com...
A couple weeks ago, I gave you a brief introduction and motivation for why you should care about the covenants. Recall that a covenant is a solemn commitment to a particular relationship, guaranteeing promises or obligations undertaken by one or b...
Imagine buying a partially completed house and having to complete that house from its current state. If you didn’t have the original blueprints, there’s a good chance some disaster would happen without knowing how the house had been built up t...
No doubt, reading your Bible is an endeavor in and of itself. Often, I find myself defaulting to Paul’s letters or other “more direct” teaching in the New Testament to fuel my soul. However, in doing so I often lose sight of the broader narr...
Session 3 at Ex Nihilo College Spring Retreat 2018...