It is our passion to be a loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our prayerful aim has been to discern and respond to God’s leading to fulfill that passion.
This summary is the result of much prayer, input from the you the congregation, godly counsel, and wisdom. It describes the Elder’s strategy and vision for the next three years of ministry emphasis at Faith Bible Church. Our goal is to see Christ’s mission of loving discipleship unfold, expand, and deepen our ministry to One Another, Our Community, and our ministry to The World.
In relation to One Another, we desire to continue the effort of developing vibrant, growing, and replicating Growth Groups whether in a current group or new group formats being developed.
We want to invest in Our Community by increased training and counseling of members of regional churches through the Faith Biblical Counseling Center.We are committed to improve our understanding of the needs in our local community and solidifying our involvement in community organizations like Willard elementary and the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood.
Our commitment to reaching The World will be known as we send missionaries, increase missions exposure and support via Short Term Teams and develop future leaders for pastoral ministry and church planting through our Aspiring Men program and extension campus of The Master’s Seminary.
We are excited to see God work as we strive together to build one another up in the faith, expand ministry locally, reach our community with the Gospel, equip others for ministry, and provide opportunities for everyone to use and develop their gifts!
3 Year Vision
In the context of loving relationships, we are driven by five values:
Christ: We follow Jesus Christ who is our Lord, Savior and example
Truth: We live by what God reveals in the Bible
Heart: We seek change and worship from the heart
Community: We thrive in deepening committed relationships
Prayer: We talk to God about who he is, what he does, what he wants, and our needs.
The Elders of Faith Bible Church believe that God has uniquely gifted FBC with the ability to have a Gospel and church-equipping impact locally, regionally, and globally. We are earnestly seeking Him and His will to display His glory.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 16:1-3 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit. Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 20:18 Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
“Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God” —William Carey
Strategic Initiatives (2017-2020)
Growing Bigger by
Growing Smaller
Growth Groups are a vital part of FBC. For the future, we desire Growth Groups to be even more openly inviting, multiplying and spiritually transformational communities of believers.
Group Planting:
Grow from 35 current Growth Groups to 50 groups in 2020.
Specialty Groups:
Groups that have varying formats ranging from unbeliever outreach groups and groups to strengthen new believers, to shorter term parenting, marriage, and finance groups or other specific needs groups.
Walking side by side through life happens best when people share their homes, have meals, and do life activities.
Biblically Transforming Hearts & Lives
God has brought up 14 certified biblical counselors within FBC that faithfully serve the FBC body as well as the local community around Faith Bible Church.
Regional Training:
We believe God is leading FBC to use the Faith Biblical Counseling Center for the training of biblical counselors from FBC and other churches in our region.
Dedicated Counseling Facility:
We also desire to expand the counseling facilities at FBC for improved privacy of counselees along with a potential separate facility for community counseling.
Training and Sending Pastors
and Church Planters
FBC has had a continual vision for the equipping the saints of FBC for the work of ministry including the training and sending of men for ministry worldwide.
Aspiring Men: God has raised up 25 men at FBC and nearly all are engaged in or currently pursuing full time ministry worldwide. The Aspiring Men program continues to focus on raising up more men for full time ministry.
Master’s Seminary: The Master’s Seminary extension starting in 2017 with 10 students is envisioned to have 45 students enrolled by 2020.
Church Planting/Revitalization: In 2020, we anticipate that some of the seminary graduates may desire to plant churches or pastor local and regional churches that are looking for Master’s Seminary trained pastors.
Investing in our Future
We have a growing vision for how FBC can expand ministries locally, regionally and internationally.
Debt Retirement: Our first emphasis will be for complete debt retirement on our current facility by September 2018. This will free up an estimated $170,000 per year that can be used for ministry expansion such as facility upkeep, new missionaries supported, and strategic ministry support.
Property Development: God has given FBC a large swath of land located in the heart of Spokane. We believe that the Faith Bible Church property should be used strategically to build up of the saints and the spread of the Gospel to our local community, to strengthen other regional churches, and reach the world for Christ. We will be creating a property development plan that personifies the passion of FBC to “Be a loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ”.
One concept for property development
Strategic Plan (2017-2020)
Music Ministry
Vision: A Gospel saturated, joyfully Singing Church
Our aim is to grow FBC in its ability to joyfully sing praises to God
and admonish one another as in Colossians 3:16.
Selecting and singing songs that are rich with Scripture
Continually highlighting the heights, widths and depths of the love of Christ and the Gospel
Grow in the mutual encouragement of one another as we meditate on and joyfully sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs
Desire to minister to a broad range of believers in different age ranges, spiritual maturities and music preferences
Invest in the next generation of members of FBC to use their spiritual gifts in leading, playing and singing for the encouragement and the admonishment of the next generation
of believers
Develop training for music leaders to be effective in shepherding FBC to accomplish our music ministry vision and aim
Train young musicians and vocalists through increased use of Children’s choir and youth band
Recruit experienced musicians to invest and mentor younger musicians
Recruit and hire a music pastor who can equip the next generation of music leaders and lead the congregation
Begin a corporate worship training program to develop
music pastors, leaders, musicians and vocalists who can assist church planters and pastors sent from FBC and The Master’s Seminary-Spokane
Women’s Ministry
Vision: For the women of FBC
to be purposeful and specific as
they shepherd the next generation
of women.
Our aim is for FBC to have a culture that facilitates women using their gifts and talents to invest in other women in hospitality, evangelism and the training of the next generation to be godly women, wives and mothers.
Connect women with other women in various ministries throughout the church
Expand the outreach influence of MomLife in our local and regional community
Growth Groups
Vision: Vibrant, growing and replicating Growth Groups.
Our aim is to foster communities of individuals that humbly and lovingly encourage, care for and sharpen one another through life-on-life worship, study, prayer, counseling and application of God’s Word.
Equipping and training current and new leaders
Five new Growth Groups each year
Time of life groups: Career, Parenting, Finances, “Fundamental of the Faith”
For each group to have a coordinator that helps the group keep an outreach, service and evangelism mind set
Counseling Ministry
Vision: Offer true hope and transforming truths to a world that may be mislead, confused, frustrated and/or disillusioned by non-biblical counsel.
The aim of the Faith Biblical Counseling Center is to offer hope in crisis situations and specific life issues by leading people to know, worship and follow Jesus Christ.
Continue to train, equip and encourage the current counseling team
Develop an “Advanced Counseling Training” program.
Create dedicated counseling
rooms at FBC
Continue to develop “regional”
impact through conferences and trainings at FBC
Explore off-site counseling training at other churches
Explore and develop a plan for addiction ministry at FBC
Hire a counseling pastor
Pulpit Ministry
Vision: To accurately bring the truths of Scripture to life.
Our aim is to preach the inspired, authoritative and all-sufficient Word of God by explaining the author’s original intent and translating Scripture for application in our current lives and culture.
Provide more preaching opportunities for all pastoral staff
Continue to esteem and teach core biblical doctrines that are foundational to Christ and His Church such as, the Church (ecclesiology), the Trinity, stewardship, prayer, humanity and the Deity of Christ, etc
Select an annual preaching theme that has broad enough relevance to meet the needs of the congregation as we live in our culture, impact the world and yet remain distinctly different
Vision: Be effective stewards of God’s resources and assess the financial needs for carrying out the future goals and vision of the church.
Our aim is to invest the gifts that God gives through the congregation of FBC. The results of this financial investment are: the training and equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, the financial care of the staff, the upkeep of the campus and outreach to a world that needs Christ. (See budget chart below.)
FBC Campus
Vision: To have a campus that facilitates gathering for fellowship, worship, training and sending believers out to have a local, regional, national, and/or international impact.
Our aim is to create a campus strategy that effectively accommodates as much current ministry as possible but will also adjust to the future goals and ministry vision of the church.
Retire current campus debt.
Explore and develop an “FBC Campus 5 Year Vision & Plan” that is aligned with future goals and ministry vision of FBC
Increase communication to the congregation for campus vision and direction
Ministry Center Improvements and upkeep.
Development of funding strategies of $2 to $5 million for future and long-term campus ministry
Training and Sending
Vision: FBC has had a continual vision for equipping the saints at FBC for the work of ministry including the training and sending of men and women for ministry worldwide.
Foundations Our aim is to increase equipping of the FBC body starting with a “Fundamentals of the Faith” class, followed by the development of a series designed to help younger believers grow deeper in their faith. Class topics include reading and studying the bible, prayer life, outreach, church life, spiritual gifts and serving.
Aspiring Men & SEAL Training Our aim is to produce biblically qualified men who correctly handle the Word, courageously proclaim the Gospel and are capable elder and pastoral leaders and shepherds of local, regional, national and international churches.
SEAL: Shepherding, Equipping And Leadership Training
Aspiring Men: A pre-seminary training process designed for men to evaluate their calling and prepare for ministry.
Master’s Seminary Our aim is to provide a regional location for high quality seminary training for men who may not be able to relocate to California.
Church Planting} Our aim is to participate in the revitalization of existing churches, the planting of new churches, and the training of believers by sending out seminary trained men that can biblically shepherd, preach, lead and equip.
Deacons Our aim is to produce biblically qualified men and women who are facilitators of a variety of ministry functions throughout the church.
Youth Ministry
Vision: To provide a relational community for students to hear the Gospel, experience church life, see the Christian life modeled and learn biblical disciplines.
Our aim is to walk arm-in-arm with parents as they parent their students by creating a biblical, exciting and relational community for students to come and learn about Christ and the hope of the Gospel from leaders that love Christ, love them and work with their parents for their spiritual growth.
Form a parenting group to help dads shepherd their student(s)
Form student led prayer groups on high school campuses
Local Outreach
Vision: For the people of FBC to have the desire and tools to share the hope of the Gospel in every aspect of their daily lives.
Our aim is for every member of FBC to have and use the various God-given places and opportunities, both individually and corporately, to share the hope of the Gospel.
Develop and mobilize new community engagement leaders and projects that create opportunities for FBC to engage people at schools, through community projects or events and refugee education
Help families at FBC think about intentional hospitality and friendship with non-church families
Equip and encourage Growth Groups to participate in their local and/or in FBC community engagement opportunities
Equip and encourage every member to faithfully proclaim the Gospel
Global Outreach
Vision: To participate in the biblical command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”
Our aim for FBC global outreach is to see disciples made among every people group by sending out those who will reach unreached people with the Gospel, often in their language, and train local elders and pastors to establish Churches.
Create support teams around each
global partner family
Train and develop new global partners
Determine who God is calling FBC to send
Explore the creation of a global outreach network with other churches to facilitate sending more global partners
Family Ministry
Vision: For families to grow in their biblical understanding, guiding principles and helpful practices pertaining to marriage, parenting, and family life through modeling, teaching and mentoring in appropriate time-of-life situations.
Our aim is for members of the family to embrace their distinctive, God-given roles which will encourage spiritual growth and Gospel impact for the glory of God.
Create a Family Ministry Team to minister to and train families
Develop a clear path of parenting to aid our families throughout their parenting journey
Become a resource center that helps facilitate things like family worship, missions, and catechism training
Develop a Men’s Ministry to train men as husbands, dads, and shepherds
Mobilize families for effective Gospel impact in the church, in their communities and beyond
Children’s Ministry
Vision: To be a biblical resource for parents in their goal to teach, equip and model the Gospel to their children.
Our aim is to aid parents in their goal of training their children by producing children’s events that create an environment that is filled with the Bible and the hope of the Gospel, so that as children see, hear and learn they will potentially respond to the hope of the Gospel.
Develop a relationship between church and home for all the families represented in Children’s Ministry
Multiple training events to help workers be excellent teachers, helpers and resources for the kids and for the parents
Create teams to facilitate child care for special events
Mobilize families by training them to reach families around them with “Bible Clubs” and other creative opportunities and options for outreach
Mobilize teams to produce excellent children’s materials to be a resource for families and churches across our region
College Ministry
Vision: To use our urban church campus to reach multiple colleges throughout the greater Spokane area to teach, model and shepherd students with solid foundational biblical principles pertaining to life and godliness.
Our aim is to create an environment that nurtures and trains students on how to identify and carry out impactful ministry in a healthy home church. Additionally, FBC desires to assess and invest in those that may be called to full time ministry.
Connect the “Core” and “Committed” college students with key FBC families for exposure to biblical family life
Teach students to have a replicating/training mindset
Help students have a vision for reaching the lost around them with the Gospel and equipping them to do so
Equip students to recognize and practice hospitality