Every time – every time – I begin taking steps of obedience and faith, especially after a season of struggle, I am beset by trials. It often doesn’t seem fair to me. Here I am, just getting stabilized, feeling healed, sensing God’s presence and pleasure — then, WHAM!! a trial comes. Big trial, little trial, it doesn’t matter — it’s just there.
And my flesh (possibly driven by Satan) then begins its attack. “So why were you so concerned about pleasing God? Here you are, trying to do what is good and right in his eyes, and what he has promised you would bring blessing and a sense of peace and joy — and look what happens! See — you see — it’s true what they say…’no good deed goes unpunished.’ So, stop worrying so much about what may be pleasing to God — just take care of yourself. In the end, no one else will.”
Madness!! The madness of unbelief!!
Thankfully, this madness doesn’t continue for long. It doesn’t continue because by God’s grace He has given me (and every true child of God) a new understanding of life and reality. He has given to me a knowledge of the truth that is based on objective, eternal reality, and not on subjective, temporary interpretation of circumstances. Here are some truths that I cling to and trust in when the madness of unbelief threatens me.
My prayer is that you would hold fast to these truths in the midst of whatever you may be experiencing right now. And when you receive comfort from God as you meditate on these things, share that comfort with others. Clinging to truth and sharing that truth with others is the remedy for the madness of unbelief.
God used Faith Bible Church's generous giving to provide beautiful new carpet and paint in the Education Wing! This is the biggest step thus far in the Next Generation Facility campaign's goal of preparing our building for ministry to th...