Introduction Trusting God’s Grace in a Fallen World We are moving into the main section of Genesis where we see God making a people for Himself from Abram. Genesis 1-11 gave us the introduction to ...
Romans 9:19–29 continues Paul argument that God is merciful to whomever he chooses and that God hardens whomever he chooses. Human beings need to remember their lowly state before God and acknowledge that he is the one who holds us in his hands,...
Trees are a reminder that God’s creation is living and powerful. We have a tree in our backyard that has grown substantially since we bought the house eight years ago. The reader will certainly notice how little I know about trees, as I...
As an image bearer of God you have a supremely valuable and meaningful existence....
God is the blessed one, and he lavishes blessings on believers because of his grace and sovereign determination. Some of those blessings are being chosen by him, being adopted as children, and having redemption through Christ's blood....