If you've read the book review by Clyde Sousa (age 13) you might be asking, why is a Christian church reviewing a Greek myth book? How do myths about f...
Thank you for giving generously to support our loving community’s mission to make disciples of Jesus!
Faith members embrace the Bible’s instructions to give cheerfully, proportionally, regularly and sacrificially. General fund giving continues to increase as Faith membership grows. As the chart shows, however, 2024-25 fiscal year giving has not increased as much as the elders projected during the budgeting process.
To help keep processing costs to a minimum, you may choose to give by secure bank transfer through Church Center (via the app or our website). While all giving methods are welcome and appreciated, bank transfers have far lower fees and require less staff time for processing than any other form of financial giving. Find step-by-step instructions for managing your Church Center giving here.
By whatever means each of us chooses to give, may we do it joyfully as worship to our Lord!
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible Church“You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:19-20 comes in the context of how separate groups of p...