No, Peaceful Valley Church isn’t in Peaceful Valley. Co-pastors Josh Greenslade and Mark Ziehnert aren’t sure where their church’s name came from. The building is on a hill in Elk, not in the riverside neigh...
“You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:19-20 comes in the context of how separate groups of p...
Sharing God's gifts brings joy, humility Roy and Elizabeth Anderson have been part of Faith Bible Church since it began. After spending a few years out of state, in 2009 they returned to Spokane, where God provided them with a spacious h...
If you were to stop by Faith Bible Church about 3:30 on the third Saturday of the month, you would find Mike Sawatzky setting up tables and chairs in the Reception Room and getting the kitchen ready for other volunteers who will arrive soon after ...
What could make someone live the rest of their life with hope and confidence? And, what could do that in the face of war, national economic meltdown, cancer, divorce, or religious persecution? It’s a word we often hear in the Bible,...