Proposition: three features of the God-King Jesus Christ that prove Him to be everything you could ever need, want or enjoy forever.
The Prologue of 9:1-5: it’s always darkest just before the dawn
1st feature of the God-King: His unprecedented arrival (v. 6a)
2nd feature of the God-King: His unrivaled identity (v. 6b)
The names of the God-King
- Wonderful Counselor:
- Mighty God:
- Eternal Father:
Prince of Peace
3rd feature of the God-King: His unconquerable kingdom (v. 7)
- The impact of His kingdom: dominion and peace
- The legacy of His kingdom: the throne of David
- The manner of His kingdom: justice and righteousness
- The duration of His kingdom: for all eternity
- The guarantee of His kingdom: the zeal of YHWH
Epilogue: And they lived happily ever after…forever and ever
Jerod Gilcher
Jerod is the former College Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He is now the senior pastor at Christ Community Bible Church in Arlington, Texas. He and his wife Sarah have three daughters and he enjoys learning languages, particularly ancient languages.
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