Upcoming sermon: audio will be posted Monday afternoon. Main idea: Obey it or fight it, God’s glorious mission for the world will continue. See...
Have you ever had unexpected circumstances arise and wondered how you might pay for it? Maybe an illness, the loss of a job or an automotive repair.
In the earliest years of Faith Bible Church the Elders set up the Care Fund to care for the practical needs of the church body by following the example of Acts 6. The Care Fund also helps to maintain a presence in the community that we hope demonstrates Christ’s love through His Church for the lost and their physical needs. While having so much more to offer than just money or food, in caring for practical needs we seek to open doors for the Gospel that saves eternally.
Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”;
1 John 3:16-18 “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
To help the Elders, Deacons and Staff facilitate the Care Fund we have created a care structure that, we believe, works to carry out the care for the body of FBC and the community at large.
Members and attenders of Faith Bible Church are the first ones to receive care in counseling, training, support and resources.
(e.g. Willard elementary, Refugee ministry, VBS)
Individuals with a direct connection to FBC through the outreach ministries of the church are prioritized after members/attenders to receive care in counseling, training, support and resources. When financial help is needed, funds are paid directly to those needs. (e.g. rent or bills paid.)
When funds are available, we support the work of various community organizations that provide resources such as; food, rent, utility dollars and other practical helps. These organizations may not all be strictly “evangelical” or “Christian” in nature but they serve the community well.
The current organizations we support and partner with are Union Gospel Mission, Life Services, Second Harvest Food Bank, SNAP and World Relief.
The Elders have set a policy that if the Care fund account is below $10,000, support for community organizations will be suspended until it the account is built back up to ensure that we will be able to maintain our first priority to care for our church body.
Jess was the Senior Administrator at Faith Bible Church for over 15 years. He and his wife Renae have two sons and are now members at Indian Trail Church in North Spokane.
View Resources by Jess Colvin