Introduction Trusting God’s Grace in a Fallen World We are moving into the main section of Genesis where we see God making a people for Himself from Abram. Genesis 1-11 gave us the introduction to ...
We saw in Genesis 1-2 the glory of God at creation. He created a very good heavens and earth where he chose to dwell with the man and woman he created. He gave them the job of being cultivators and co-laborers with him in Eden. He made them in his image to live as his sons and daughters, ruling the earth under his great rule.
But they rebelled. They chose sin, and entered into what we call the fall. In this set of studies and sermons we will seek to understand the nature and heart of sin and the depth of the destruction it causes. We will also take hope in God’s grace that he shows fallen humanity at every turn.
As always, we pray that our study will result in all of us knowing Christ and being conformed to His image. We were created in the image of God, and only through the salvation, sanctification and glorification that Christ accomplishes by His Spirit are we able to truly image God now. This Growth Guide is designed to prepare you to hear the sermon on Sunday and then discuss the passage during the week in your Growth Group, with the goal of understanding and applying it together. May we live as a loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ!
Lesson 1: Genesis 3:1-7
Lesson 2: Genesis 3:8-13
Lesson 3: Genesis 3:14-24
Lesson 4: Genesis 3:15 - The First Gospel
Lesson 4: Christmas Messages - The Promised Savior
Lesson 5: Genesis 4:1-16
Lesson 6: Genesis 4:17-26
Lesson 7: Excursus - Storyline of the Bible
Lesson 8: Genesis 5
Lesson 9: Genesis 6:1-8
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible ChurchNathan Thiry is the Growth Groups & Outreach Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He enjoys biking and outdoor activities, and has a passion to see the gospel spread throughout our community and the whole world!
View Resources by Nathan Thiry