Main idea: God saves and destroys by His Word, so repent and believe! Noah and his family and the animals enter the ark by the Word of the Lord. The flood comes upon the earth and destroys all living thin...
As we enter into the story of the flood and the tower of Babel in Genesis, we continue to see how wicked and rebellious humanity is. Despite this terrible affront to God’s character and rule, we also continue to see God’s grace displayed as He saves Noah and his family and then furthers His plan to display His glory among the nations when He confuses their languages and scatters the families of the earth. The Lord is the King of the earth. He rules and destroys His enemies. No plans against Him prosper. His plan—to make a people for Himself, to establish His kingdom, and to thus display His glory—begins to take shape through the descendants of Noah, who become the nations of the world.
We continue to pray that our study of Genesis will shape all of us in our love for God, our worship of God, and our view of the world. May we grow together as His followers more and more into the image of Christ!
Lesson 1 explores Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6:8-22), focusing on God's judgment of corruption and Noah's obedience in building the ark.
Lesson 2 delves into The Flood (Genesis 7:1-8:19), emphasizing God's faithfulness, justice, wrath, love, and mercy.
Lesson 3 examines God's Covenant with Noah (Genesis 8:20-9:17), highlighting God's promise to never again destroy the earth by flood and His command for humanity to be fruitful and multiply.
Lesson 4 covers Noah's Family and Babel (Genesis 9:18-11:9), explaining the origins of nations and languages, and emphasizing God's plan to display His glory throughout the earth.
A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ.
View Resources by Faith Bible ChurchNathan Thiry is the Growth Groups & Outreach Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He enjoys biking and outdoor activities, and has a passion to see the gospel spread throughout our community and the whole world!
View Resources by Nathan Thiry