
The Radioactive Prayer of God the Son Part 1

John 17:1-5

Posted by Jerod Gilcher on December 2, 2018
The Radioactive Prayer of God the Son Part 1
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Proposition: Five foundational realities that magnify Christ, make sense of the world and motivate you for the mission.

Foundational reality #1—the glory of the Trinity is the meaning of everything (v. 1)

Three components of Christ’s prayer in v. 1:

The Recipient of the prayer

The occasion of the prayer

The content of the prayer

Foundational reality #2—all of history is the unfolding of a plan (v. 2)

The plan of salvation unfolds in 3 separate gifts:

Foundational reality #3—Eternal Life is pleasure in a Person (v. 3)

C.S. Lewis: “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

Foundational reality #4—all that Christ did is all that you need (v. 4)

Foundational reality #5—eternity will consist in the enjoyment of Trinitarian glory forever (v. 5)

Jerod Gilcher

Jerod is the former College Pastor at Faith Bible Church. He is now the senior pastor at Christ Community Bible Church in Arlington, Texas. He and his wife Sarah have three daughters and he enjoys learning languages, particularly ancient languages. 

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