Main idea: Seek and serve the Lord, fueled by rejoicing in the great salvation of the Lord and His joy in loving His people! 1. Seek and serve the Lord who gives such a great salvation by creating humble, holy worsh...
Main idea: Humbly worship the sovereign Lord of Lords who will judge the nations and will establish His kingdom forever! ...
Main idea: Behold the wrath of the Lord and humbly seek Him. Behold the wrath of the Lord toward all humanity (1:2-3). Behold the wrath of the Lord toward wicked Judah (1:4-18). Seek the Lord with humility! (2:1-3)...
Introduction Big idea: Be stirred to a proper worshipful response as you see and reflect on God’s redemptive plan for the nations. Be humbled by God's sovereign plan and power (11:25-27). ...
Introduction Review Main idea: Paul describes two spiritual realities that should give the Christian joyful confidence in their salvation. You should have joyful confidence because the work of Chr...
Main Idea: Believer, sin no longer rules you, so don’t live like it does. Instead, your life is God’s, so live righteously under His rule. Consider yourself united with Christ (v. 3-5). Consider ...
Main idea: Justification doesn’t only transform your future; it transforms your present, too. Rest in peace (v. 1). Receive grace (v. 2a). Rejoice in hope (v. 2b–5). Automat...
Main idea: All can be declared righteous by God through faith in Christ because of the Work of Christ. Express Faith (Romans 3:21-22a)Excuse Excuses (Romans 3:22b-24)Exalt Christ (Romans 3:25-26) ...
Introducing Romans: The gospel is the heart of ministry and the only solution to our sin problem (Romans 1:1-17) Main idea: Paul outlines the nature of the world's sin problem in order to point to the gospel as the only solution. ...
Main idea: Unity and Love for fellow Christians will mark the church that loves Jesus. Shoulder the load of missions (1 Corinthians 16:5-12).Stand firm in the faith and love (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)Subject yourself ...
This Sunday, we'll hear guest Dr. Bryan Murphy preach from Revelation 21:1-8 about what heaven is like. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no mo...
Cultivate habits of generosity in light of the certain hope of the resurrection. Introduction Foundations of Generosity Stewardship defines Love directs Gospel displays ...
Main Idea: The resurrection fits us for the Kingdom and for a life of meaningful labor. The necessity of the resurrection for the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 15:50-51a, 53) The nature of Kingdom ...
Main idea: Re-ignite your hope and service; this body will be resurrected in a body suitable for eternal life with God. Anticipate four realities of resurrected bodies: Fruitful for GodFit ...
Main idea: Let the truth of the resurrection message motivate you to fearlessly give up everything for Christ. The resurrection changes everything about your future (29). The resurrection changes everyth...
Main idea: Christ Rose from the dead so that the Father would be our all in all The Promise (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)Romans 8:11Romans 8:29The Plan (1 Corinthians 15:23-24a)The Purpose (1 Co...