Rejoice if you are in Christ, because of His work and His position of headship....
As an image bearer of God you have a supremely valuable and meaningful existence....
Discipleship is a big theme at Faith Bible Church because it’s a big theme in the Bible. No one is exempt from the responsibility to disciple and be discipled as God gives the opportunity. The middle-school and high-school s...
In this session we begin to look at what conflict is, the blessings of differences God has created and built people with, how to handle disagreements and conflict well, and what is at the heart of our fights and quarrels with others when they bre...
This is a new series about living at peace with all men as Romans 12:18 instructs us. This begins in our families. In this session we look at the Biblical origins and purposes of the family, and how children in particular can live those out. ...
The Bible teaches that the company we keep brings influence and inevitably shapes our character. Christian parents seeking to be wise in the training of their children have a responsibility to help their children learn how to choose friends wisely...
Learn why salvation by works just doesn't work....
Being a teenager is hard, even in a loving and supportive family. For Jennifer Gentry, it was even harder. Her parents divorced when she was very young. Her dad’s claim to faith was her only example of what “Christian" meant—and it ...
God gave us the Bible so we could be transformed into people who are like his Son. How does this transformation take place? It’s a daily process of becoming what we have already been made in Christ, of putting off the old and putting on the new....