Main Idea: A loving community making disciples of Jesus Christ engages in three categories of God pleasing and world changing prayer. Concerns of World Changing prayer The Preeminence of Christ (Col. 1:18)Wal...
Thank God that He does need not work arounds for pandemics or have to overcome cultural and political turmoil. God does as he pleases and never wrings his hands (Psalm 115:3). Jesus builds his church—period (Matthew 16:18). That’s the only exp...
Main Idea: Malachi calls us to believe God’s love so that we repent from half-hearted worship and half-hearted relationships. Believe God’s love.Watch out for sinister doubts.Take a closer look at what God is doin...
Main Idea: The Biblical Covenants between God and his people are the vehicles God uses to advance his kingdom and give us purpose and hope. 1. Biblical Covenants Defined 2. Summary of Biblical Covenants ...
Main Idea: Continually marveling at God’s love in Christ compels us to continually love Him and love others 1. Marvel at God’s love in Christ 2. Respond by loving Him and loving others Loving GodDeuteronomy 6:4-5Ma...
This Sunday, after three years, we are finishing our study through Luke’s gospel. It has been a thrilling study for us displaying the glorious Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God who now sits on the throne of heaven alongside God the Father. Luke w...