I don’t know about you, but I often wonder how current world events and even my actions and decisions will affect the generations and world of the future. Some refer to this as the butterfly effect, a seemingly meaningless event (li...
Ian Rush shares his story with the Youth Students on Welcome Night!...
Abiding in the true vine (Christ) produces fruit, not abiding results in being cut off and thrown into the fire.Sermon 4 at Youth Summer Camp 2018...
No one can come to the Father (be saved) except through Jesus.Sermon 3 at Youth Summer Camp 2018...
Whoever believes in Christ will be physically resurrected and live eternally.Sermon 2 at Youth Summer Camp 2018...
Jesus is better than physical food (and everything else) because He can give you eternal life.Sermon 1 at Youth Summer Camp 2018...
I don’t know about you, but I often wonder how current world events and even my actions and decisions will affect the generations and world of the future. Some refer to this as the butterfly effect, a seemingly meaningless event (like the flap o...
Big Idea: God transforms lives through an increased knowledge of Him through His Word. Proposition: Psalm 119:33-40 provides 3 God-dependent transformations you must pray for so that you would live obedien...
"There is blood, sweat, and tears in our sanctification. It is work" - Ian Rush...
Genesis answers three of our most basic questions: how are we here, why are we here, and what happens after we die?...
God is the King of all the earth....