The sun hid her face at noonday that Friday so long ago … for the Son, the Light of the world was about to be extinguished. Darkness fell across the land, mirroring the darkest battle in all of history – the most shocking transaction in t...
Four essential features of supernatural love that exalt Christ, advance the plan and change the world: love is the catalyst for a global mission, Christian love is cutting-edge in nature, the unparalleled standard for Christian love, the chain rea...
The process of sanctification is completed by the Holy Spirit’s working in our lives, but he uses means to accomplish our growth. These means all lead us back to beholding the glory of Christ. In other words, seeing Christ’s glory in scripture...
The truth about the process of sanctification is that it is indeed completed by the Holy Spirit’s working in our lives, but he uses means to accomplish our growth. These means all lead us back to beholding the glory of Christ. In other words, se...
As a part of our study of the New City Catechism we will be exploring different questions on Wednesday evenings. This week we take a look at the trinity with Question 3: How many persons are there in God? Answer: There are three persons in th...
Two titles of Christ that prove Him to be everything you could possibly need or want either in this life or in the life to come: the long-awaited Messianic King and the glorified Son of Man. References to Daniel 7:13-14 and Matthew 10:37-39...
Two features of Christ that will simultaneously rock your faith and reinforce your faith all at the same time: The love of Christ as the gift of His glory and the identity of Christ as the cure for death. The sickness of Lazarus, the scandalous gi...
Become imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us and gave himself up for us an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. References to John 1:11, John 15, John 17-18....
When the fear of men haunts you, you need courage rooted in truth. The truth is, as a believer, you belong to Christ, he loves you, you will receive eternal life, he will protect and keep you, you will not be lost! And those he has chosen from eve...
Being a part of the church is exciting, because it means we belong to God's family!...
Find answers to questions like: What is our natural condition? What does it mean to have a sin nature? How gracious is God? How can we have salvation? Is salvation by grace alone? What does it mean to be spiritually dead? What are trespasses and s...
Know Christ and Show Christ by seeking to love others in Word and Deed using the grace of God, spiritual gifts. We all have different spiritual gifts to make him known. Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:3-10, 1 Peter 4:10-11...
We should look to Christ always to see God....
In Romans 6 we learn that we are united with Christ in his death and resurrection, therefore we are no longer slaves to sin, and instead we are slaves of righteousness, presenting ourselves to God for good works....